A:depends on how the traders think... A:maybe bec. of its success rate and the upgrade levels 7-9 and up Q:How may MAPS when traveling tarkan to icarus?
A: hmmm..2?? Q: who will win? max stats FO VOLCANO set+ explossion blade MG vs max stats FO Sylpid set + sylp bow ELF??
A: The one with hacks, but MG propably Rusty, tarkan to icarus ? .. Tarkan,atlans3,2,1,noria,lorencia,devias,lt1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and icarus ? Btw redpuma Those weapon I listed cannot have skill ^^ Q:Can u enter in icarus without wings ?
A: No u cant! Icarus is some kind of floating map @ Aaape , we learn as we live, hear and see Q: what is the level requirement for satan wings?
A: hp rec .... hope someone will say Liciar(so `ill know what the hell that is?) Q: where the new sets from elf (ceremony, ancient, red wing) come from?
Lol.. All of them suck.. I'd go for sleep ! Q: How many feathers are there in Soul Master wings ? : ))))))))))))))
A: Diablo network admin is SephiroTH, but a diabloMU admin is allso Power Q: Is diablo cs server opening? and when aprox?
A: In cs It's a spawn point where u spawn after u die ? or something similiar ^^ Ally leader can drop it and it can be destroyed ,too Q: What do you need for Lord Mix ? And what are maximum amount of excellent options u can obtain for one item through it ?