heheh.. i said u can count on me TemplarBK.. Wait me durf.. Youl gonna kneel infront of me....joking..lolx but i will try to do that,.. thers no harm on trying.....
.. actually, you can kill my char. But he will just respawn after 1 second. .. that's the whole purpose of this game.. your character dies but it will just resurrect...
can't w8 felowz....and tzu about that stealing thing....it happend 1 it won't happen again... i can asure u that.. combo and durfi...any time bro's....
.. i've roamed arena, there's no SpartanS alliance member... hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm... you all hiding at s1 ?? bwhehehehe ... even at thread VeteranZ are invading.. hehehehe
lol...30 min ago..a guy called Herning sayd on post that Darkiside is easy pwnage x-( ..he said we`re easy prey...when i told him to meet me..he sw...if u see him..ask him "nicely" wat was he talkin about
.. actually, im not looking forward for CS anymore.. it's been a couple of weeks now that it has a lot of problems. After you left last sunday, for 30 mins we tried to figure out how to capture the castle, even Sephi was there to coach us
lets rock it on guyzz.... and im gonna do it first with terarior lets see if how far you can go terarior