politics and world events...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by cularfin, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I can bet Russia has lots of aces in it's hands ... infact that's why i always liked their attitude.

    Why we should tell everyone , keep it secret ... this will bring more fear to enemy.

    yea you pointed out some things that were made official, but Russia is still hinding devs started from years ago and that's a smart move to keep their mouth shut
  2. Tormented

    Tormented Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    By secrets I mean conspiracies like aliens, Jersey Devil and many more. Also who knows, the US may be plotting for new advancements too as we speak, just look what happened in the Cold War, multiple projects were cancelled and numerous bombs were dismanteled both by the US and USSR (at the time), I saw once (not that anyone gives a pre-digested pizza for) that 2-3 types of airplanes were cancelled by a president, think it was Eisenhower, those projects were held secret until the end of the "indirect conflict" as I call it.

    I wouldn't fear a guy until I find out that he has 2 m60s under his cloak and another set of TNTs as a belt, unless you mean it as a surprise, then yeah sure I agree, otherwise I'd choose keeping things a secret and not using them rather than announcing about them and not using them.

    As a final statement to your post, you mean the USSR since Russia is now the abused form of the previous might.
  3. ads1551

    ads1551 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    to tell you the truth ^_^ i wanna see America fall...because like every good "dynasty" has its downfall so we'll just have to wait and see if obama can do what he says he will do...and not be a flip-flopper
  4. Tormented

    Tormented Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Dynasties fall, countries don't, there's the UN that prevents that. If it were so, then every country would conquer another.
  5. Tudo

    Tudo Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Let's talk about this financial crisis,shall we ?
    To be honest,I don't know much about it,so I'd be glad to learn some information from you,guys.
  6. cularfin

    cularfin Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    .. i don't want to go into details, you can research it on the net if you want detailed info, but i'll just explain to you in my own way how this credit-crunch has come about. it's a series of events ...

    - clinton became president

    - US economy sky-rocketed, super stable

    - europe feared they can't cope up with US Dollar that they unified their currency by creating the Euro-currency to combat and at least give european countries a chance to compete with the super strong US dollar

    - US gained super confidence of their god-like economy that they forecasted and saw an influx of investors

    - the US Real-Estate and housing developers EXPECTED an increase in immigration to the US that they developed and made houses. But as any big business, you need financial backing from banks or shall i say THE FINANCES NEEDED TO SUPPORT THE HOUSING PROJECT COMES FROM CREDITS FROM BANKS.

    - billions have been invested on housing development coz of very high expectancy of foreign investors wanting to live in the US coz of it's highly stabe economy

    - Clinton ended his reign...... here comes George W. Bush

    - September 11... Twin Towers. ( we all know what happened that day )

    - War on Iraq ... on lots of people's opinion, it was wrong and US never did gave a concrete reason why they invaded that country and no weapon of mass destruction was ever found.

    - George W. Bush made a fool out of himself many times.

    - US credibility hitted an all time low.

    - aftermath of event, mass hysteria in the US. Fear of Anthrax and any what have you terrorist attacks by US citizens. To make it short US WAS IN THE STATE OF PARANOIA

    - that paranoia and disillusioned status of the US discouraged the immigrants from coming in to US. In fact, many have left the US to live in other countries, mainly going to european countries.

    - now... here lies the problem... those ALREADY DEVELOPED REAL ESTATES that they were EXPECTING to be filled with immigrants became a ghost town, coz nobody wants to live in the US anymore.

    ... but what happened was, nobody bought those houses and thus, the real estate developers have to pay from their own pockets the credits they owe from the bank, but sadly, they don't have the money to pay for the credits coz they don't have any sale. and thus, the credit-crunch

    .. to make an illustration:

    your payday is on the 15th of the month, but you want to buy a car and you use your credit card instead coz on the 15th you'll be able to pay your credit from your salary

    - your payday = immigrants/foreign investors

    - car = real estates

    .. but, you were fired before the 15th, and your salary wasn't released, and now, how will you pay for your car ?? ... multiply this situation a million times, that's what's happening right now.
  7. cularfin

    cularfin Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    .. actually, those countries you mentioned owed the US big-time. After those so called "HELP" from the US, the US made treaties to those countries and of course, the treaties mainly gives the US a big advantage to make and do business or what-have-you to those countries

    ..actually, they do, but you need to look a bit deeper into how they claim that they are the best. Just look at those hollywood movies, who do they depict as the hero of humanity ??

    .. yes, it was internal, and so was the problem in Iraq.

    .. it's called a WORLD WAR - thus, every nation is involved, including the US.
  8. Tormented

    Tormented Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Oh did they now? Examples please. That "help" saved them, unless they didn't want it or something then rant all you want...

    Yeah, and every country I've been to thinks otherwise, the US is the most talked about country, even on TV almost all that you see/hear is about the US be it sucky news or average news, I again compare the US to the Roman Empire, being compared to the Roman Empire, it is said that "babylon will fall" with a crude translation, it can mean New York... More so, since when are Hollywood movies real? Seriously now, there's a difference between fact and fiction, if I make a movie about Superman, should I take that idealistic, make a Superman cult and claim that what happened in the movie was real?

    Iraq was as I had already said, inflicting external problems, by aiding extremists and enforcing the islamic militia in the middle east, and in the Gulf War, attacking Kuwait wasn't internal in, and also Saddam had access to WMD, and furthermore, he had multiple war crimes on his profile, be it nerve gas bombs, SCUDs, and other WMD. Let me put in a more realistic, everyday life: You're (US) going to get into a fight and a guy (Iraq) supplied the guys (militias) that you were going to fight with clubs (weapons) and they threaten to attack you, what would you do, you can't walk away since you're cornered (US being unmovable, since it's a place)?

    I don't see most Southern American countries interfering? Nor other minor countries, "world war" is just a stereotype, it was mostly about major countries conflicting. Plus, the name "world war" was declared before the US entered the war, they started mobilizing in 1942, the war was on declared in 1941.

    *grabs cookie*
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