politics and world events...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by cularfin, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    War in iraq ? :p

    Seriously, they claimed that they went to iraq in order to defend their own country ? 0.o

    Attacking = defending ?


    Go bush ! It's a holy war and it's being fought in the name of oil & gun industry peace !!
  2. ads1551

    ads1551 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    yup i agree wholely with you combo
  3. cularfin

    cularfin Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    .. here's my take on that september 11 attack ....

    - george W senior made war against Iraq back in 90's but werent successful

    - Iraq, one of the world's richest oil producers

    - USA, the world's greatest oil user

    - USA wanted to take over Iraq, but can't find no legitimate reason

    - USA thought of a super horrifying act that will rock the world, so they bombed their own land

    - Twin Towers victims were just collateral damage

    - made some " investigations" and tried to trace it to Iraq

    - went to Iraq to check on the so called " weapons of mass destruction"

    - USA INVADED IRAQ - raped the country and claimed that they are freeing the Iraqis from the tyranny of Saddam


    - USA now placing it's own companies in iraq in the so called "building up project". now, here we see USA's true intention

    - to make it short and summarize, the US just wanted an alibi to go to iraq and take control of the country to take countrol of it's oil reserves. But look at it's effects ?? Look at the housing and real estate industry collapsing before our very eyes and hence the credit crush. The US is always acting as world's police whenever they can gain something, but where were they on Sarajevo and Bosnia ?? Did they do anything on that war ?? HELL NO. Coz they can't profit from those poor countries.

    .. i have nothing against americans, but i don't like how the US government is acting like they own the world.
  4. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    Yup, you guys should see Zeitgeist: Addendum part I, II, and III.
  5. ads1551

    ads1551 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    i'm american and i agree with that :D its so sad how all we (the US) do is go out and pick fights with whomever threatens our way of life...and then cover it up with some B.S. thing
  6. Tormented

    Tormented Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    All I can say is that if the government wanted to bomb their own country they would've chosen better places, it wouldn't be Arabs and in the following days Al Qaeda shows up admitting their action.

    The USA does have a fairly good supply of oil derricks, and since it had a stable economy, there was no need to "steal" any oil, and Saudi Arabia should be the biggest oil producer at the moment.

    Saddam did infact hurt the kurdis (or something) as it was seen in the court when he was judged. Also, how hard is it to simply ship the WMD to Iran or some other country, who can say "no" to that? I mean they can hide them almost anywhere, as it is said "finding a needle in a haystack".

    Well, the USA is arguably the most powerful country in the world, which can indirectly put it into a leading position. Even with that, they can't be "protecting" the whole world at once. Finally, could you link me to some proof of "oil stealing" actions in Iraq?

    Edit: Oh and Aaape, ever heard the quote: "The best defense is good offense" or something? Plus the war as I recall was to bring order to Iraq and justice to Saddam, right?
  7. cularfin

    cularfin Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    @tormented, no one can really give you a link... just observe what the US is doing and use common sense and you'll get the bigger picture.

    .. and Bin Laden - he barely has shoes and a home and the US has the best spy equipment and spies in the world, why the heck can't they find him ??

    .. just ask yourself one thing : why would the USA go invade Iraq, whom, they really don't have any proof of any threat coming from Iraq Saddam might be an evil-dictator to it's own country but the US could have left it like that, it's IRAQS OWN PROBLEM.

    .. but here's the most ridiculous of all ... NORTH KOREA AND INDIA DOING SOME NUCLEAR TEST. North Korea is a communist country who clearly defied UN laws and sanctions, WHAT DID THE US DO TO NORTH KOREA ?? Just "peaceful talks" ??? Every dumb-witted fool ( like me ) knows that a nuclear bomb is a weapon of mass destruction, why didn't the US invade and stop North Korea ??

    .. it's the US inconsistency to handle world issues that's giving them shame.
  8. Tudo

    Tudo Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Bush has always been a subject of joke.He was a rather funny person in how bad he was at being a president.
    Oh,there are also some funny Barack Obama videos on the internet,such as this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PqI12R8YNU
  9. Tormented

    Tormented Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Well, Korea has already been invaded, but if they do it again, Iran, Iraqi/Afghani figitives, muslim extremists, Russia (lol?), China, Cuba (close to the USA, potential nuclear threat, refer to the Missile Crisis) and many other countries would side with Korea, be it for communism or hatred for the western powers. Who would side with the US, some of the coalition (except France which sucks hard and which I currently just had my "vacation" in)? Attacking Korea would simply be another world war or probably another "Cold War" with possible nuclear threats. What I mean is, they can't stop them. You also shouldn't forget Iran.

    The question is, how can one country defy all? If they did, the world would revolt just like what happened in Iraq. Saddam didn't just affect Iraq, he had a decisive stance in the first Gulf War and empowering other countries like Syria (who in turn did attack Israel in the past) and other third-world countries. Meaning, it's not an Iraqi specific problem, he was "bribing" factions and supplying them with weapons, hell, it may be that the CIA found out that Saddam may be planning an attack or something and the Government issued a cover-up as not to induce panic into the US citizens, who knows.

    As many people say, "it's not the US's job to handle world issues" but as I said, the US is the world's lead in politics and military, they should do it as a responsibility. But the problem is, they can't protect every country at once, for instance, if they did attack Korea, they would have to withdraw all their forces from Iraq and Afghanistan and send them to the frontline. After doing that, extremists would revolt and take over Iraq and Afghanistan with no one to stop them. Moreso, Somalia and other third world countries would do the same. As a result, with a massive public support, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and China would engage the US, possibly with nuclear weapons. I must say, the US isn't engaging the previously listed countries due to fear of a nuclear war, where people would cook three-eyed greenish fish on an undetonated-radiated nuclear bomb in the midst of a nuclear winter... Just imagine what would happen if the US attacked them.

    It's fairly easy to dig a hole in some desert and live there whilst followers bring you food and water, or you could leave Afghanistan and live in Iran or some anti-western country, hell, it's really simple to be honest.

    Tudo> Being watched by the world, talked about everyday, always being pictured, fear of being assassinated, will get everyone nervous, even stage fright can't be compared to this.

    Edit: Personally, I have to admit that I supported Barrack Obama over McCain since I wanted to see what the Democrats were capable of, and perhaps lessen the Tommies' bragging over the US.

    Cookie, nao, plawks.
  10. Boby88

    Boby88 Member

    Sep 7, 2007
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    Here is where ure wrong....just because the US is the most powerfull country in the world does not mean that they should intervene.
    They only go where they have to profit.

    The plan is simple...... The US goes to war against a dictator, a persecutor of Democracy and other bullshit...... but after a war is won, that country witch was "free'd" from the old leadership now has DEBTS to the US .... and how can they repay the US for there supreme help???... they dont have money but the have resources like OIL and GASS..... Its simple:p

    And about the Obama thing, some of u understand how alections are made in the US and some don't.... but if 1 man is pushed forward into the peoples eyes say like Obama, that has almost no history or none to be realy proud off....the political parties can promote him wothout any problem or by the organizatzions that sponsor the whole campain.....it's realy simple:D
  11. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    finally i can enter forum and read some posts where ppl think first onto their opinions

    keep up discussions and thanks bozz for starting some serious threads
  12. cularfin

    cularfin Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    .. you're welcome Sephi. It's nice to see the serious side of DMUs players. hehe

    .. anyway, let me quote one line of tormented's

    .. no, even if the US is the most powerful ( as they claim ) country in terms of military prowess, they still dont have the right to go invading a country and interferring with other countries affairs. Like i said awhile ago, where was the US on Bosnia and Sarajevo ?

    .. but, look how fast they mobilized their troops when Kuwait ( a very damn rich country ) called for their aid. The US only helps/intervenes to those RICH COUNTRIES AND IN WHICH THE US CAN GAIN SOMETHING.

    .. and i share boby's logic on things... after the so called "liberation from the tyrannt which is Saddam", the US is now slowly creeping in to establish business in Iraq.

    .. but on latest news today, the US economy is collapsing like an avalanche. They need 3B USD each day to keep that stimulus-pack afloat.
  13. ads1551

    ads1551 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    yeah and the stimulus package is gonna do sh!t because the gov. is just giving back money to the people that swindled it away, and not to the people who would buy things which would in turn boost the economy!
  14. Boby88

    Boby88 Member

    Sep 7, 2007
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    dont know how the oter countries are holding up but romania is in deep sh*t...:( real deep
  15. cularfin

    cularfin Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    .. brain is lagging right now, hehehe but i'll give you how sh1tty it is here in philippines
  16. Tudo

    Tudo Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Trust me,Obama is a man of action,not a philosopher.He will not break his promise.
    I like him,because he's an ok guy,in my opinion.
  17. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Now let me quote both of you, US was never the "supreme power" of the world ... i ll tell you one country which always owned around: Rusia

    Let's remember the first ever nuclear reactor, Ak47 by Mihail Kalashnikov and so on. What can a Boeing possibly do vs a nuclear weapon ?

    Also bozz stated the most imp think to notice right here and thats " the US economy is collapsing like an avalanche" - this is damn true ...

    At the economy chapter US is still unbeatable but this crisis which affected 90% of countries, affected them most
  18. Tormented

    Tormented Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Flame war! Heh. I like how it's going on at the moment, peacefully, an inevitable event will occur though... "Lawl!1!!one! U sux much!1!one!11!1" That's a simple hint. Or some extremist may step in, which I'll deliberately leave the thread as soon as I see one.

    The Romans had an advantage over other empires due to their powerful might, they were feared by most empires. If they don't intervene, people would say that they should intervene. So as you are stating, the US is shipping oil from Iraq in supply crafts while the world is watching them, right? Yeah, and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait aren't vastly rich in oil and for that reason, the US hasn't made up an "excuse" to attack them. Oh and don't forget the Coalition is stealing oil too. Just think of it, most oil derricks were burnt in the war as to prevent and disable Coalition aircraft from painting ground-based targets.

    France (which I had the thankful opportunity to spend my so called "vacation" there eating half-baked "éscargos" or something), Poland, Britain (and now I'll get flamed), Russia (if the Allies didn't push from the west, the Germans would have successfully defended the eastern theater of war and potentially attacked Russia which was suffering heavy losses at the time) and other countries who suffered and were freed from Nazi oppression owe the US (excluding the rest of the Alliance since we're talking about the US at the moment) big debts, and for that reason France currently opposes US opinions and what not? Do the Southern Koreans give/owe anything to the US? What about the philippines? Kuwait? Well, you get my point already. The countries may be grateful for what the US did, but they don't owe it anything as far as I can see. A bit sarcastic always, mind me, sorry.

    Blacks, Asians, muslims, anti-western supporters all voted for Obama to end the war, since the Republican's point of view is "war on terror" which puts Al Qaeda and the extremists world in the middle of it, and since most of the extremists are muslims or situated in the Middle-East then that area in their opinion should be suppressed. Meaning, the people wanted an end to the war and get their sons and daughters back home. Who could blame them? His campaign for a "change" did infact root into people's minds, since the past few years were Republican ruled.

    Actually "they" don't claim that, most countries claim that. And I'm just born in the US, lived in several countries and I speak 4 languages, so yeah, I think I'm a bit open-minded (stress on "bit"). Bosnia and Sarajevo, I don't really know the history or what really occurred there, but all I can say is that it's internal, and a civil war can't be stopped (Americans landing in Lebanon and so on...) it's a war between two ideologies, people can't change other people's minds. And even if they (somehow) did stop a civil war, it would continue in neighbouring countries and may reoccur in the following years. As I said, I don't really know the history of the Bosnian war, inform me a bit please. And as I said if they didn't interfere in WW II, possibly massive casualties would have been taken by both sides, and the Japanese would have also become a supreme power, while the Allies' power diminished, as everyone would agree, the two decisive sides were the Germans and the Americans and possible the Japanese, and after that, the raid on Normandy empowered the rest of the Allies (thanks to the British) and gave hope to the hopeless. More so, Korea would have been a communist country, Iraq would have watched as it's neighbouring countries squirmed about looking for aid. Again, the US can't be everywhere at once, and especially after the Gulf War (where in the following years, the Bosnian war occurred, right?) the US was still stabilizing from the war. What if the US didn't interfere in Somalia? All these questions asked and I only talked about the US, remember that, we're talking about the US and it's presidency, not other countries I didn't mention the British and whatever.

    The Gulf War started when a country engaged another (I dunno if this is the case in the Bosnian war) one of which if Iraq won the war, it would possess limitless amounts of oil, Iran and anti-western countries would rejoice and back Iraq against the ongoing western threats. Furthermore, they didn't "gain" anything, did they? Will the president sack up on oil in his pockets? What would he need all the oil and money for? Congress? They don't take anything. People? Maybe, but remember, it was the Coalition that attacked Iraq, not only was it the US, also Korea and whatever weren't rich either. As for gratitude or "gifts" I don't know, they didn't get anything from the previously mentioned countries, did they? Well, I did get a cookie once...

    And I thought Obama was going to induce a "change" and withdraw US forces from Iraq, all we can do is hope for the best, "business" by "stealing" oil would be against UN policy.

    The whole world was affected, I know people that are now bankrupt from the downfall of the stock market. Is Obama going to be blamed for that? I mean, just like what happened on September 11, Bush was newly elected as a president when the tragedy occurred and still people blame him. I'm not bias on this subject.

    Forgive my typos, since I don't have the time to proof read it all... *munches on cookie*

    The US has always been considered the supreme power, what about the current US military technological advancement? Abram's, m4, aircrafts, missiles, nukes, you get my point since I'm not into military progression. Russia really wasn't that much of an ownage (it was back in the USSR) but now it's not really considered a supreme power, other than holding nukes. Russia is supplying anti-western countries with weapons to do the job for it, apparent. And do remember that the US and other countries possess nuclear weapons. As for the "collapse" the world too was affected. As it is commonly known, money means power, although the Government sucks Tauren balls. Too much secrets... And also the people over there suck Troll balls since they aren't even thankful for what they get, be it shit, it's better than what we live with.

    Point stated.
  19. ads1551

    ads1551 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    all presidents are a "man of action, not a philosopher" and he already has broken a promise, and will probably break another because he can't control the whole senate/house, who set up what he signs into law, again if you were to look at every single president, each of them have at least broke 1 promise in their term of office

    yeah he's an "ok" guy, because noone is perfect :D

    just my opinion
  20. Tormented

    Tormented Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    It seems certain that people don't change their political views, therefore, there's really no point in us wasting our time "exchanging opinions", wasted the whole afternoon on here. XD

    Politics isn't a matter of facts, it's a matter of opinion and a person's experience (during wars and uproars). In every country, there's an anti and pro government party, even in bedtime stories, there's always an evil/oppressive character in the story. And that's why I like it, people never have the exact opinions. Which leads me to say, I "quit" posting on here, I don't know the exact reason as to it's original reason it currently exists. As they say "it's politics", I've stated my point of view and everyone else did, now let's face it, who's going to change his point of view in the end? We could keep on expressing till something happens. Really, there's no point. I may post replies occasionally, but rarely, if you ever need me, I'm in the WoW section. And please do take what I wrote in this post into consideration.
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