Not a normal suggestion for me...but it needs to be said

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kratos, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. mordi91

    mordi91 Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Thought I'd post a reply to the Petition 2 here, since you closed it.

    To quote your statement:

    "Move on to another server and tell them to change the exp"

    Well, we don't have to tell them to change the xp, in fact, we don't have to tell them to change everything, because it's all good. Get it?
    Leave = win/win
    Enjoy your 3 active players.
    Trippy likes this.
  2. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    Oh don't worry we will...and we'll enjoy the new players that join once you guys are gone too...because we actually are dedicated and like the just want something that is easy...and simple to complete and that is why you will never be satisfied with any server...because you'll get bored of it and then go find the next one...and continue on until you don't have any others...and then you'll come back here to see it populated and wish you would have stayed to reach 400 before anyone else
  3. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Okey, now I am kinda sick of all this criticism of our suggestion.
    Let me explain our history, FATE's history! We started on Frienzmu a long time ago, it had 20xp. It was slow at first, but we enjoyed it with lots of players. After a while we managed to make our own guild. We maxed our chars, and made high sets. However, the fun wasn't over, we started new chars, maxed them as well, and used several of those chars to hunt. Me and Vengeance made a huge guild that ran the whole server. We enjoyed the game even though we were maxed because of all the joyfull events for higher players. This took us a total of 5 years on one single server before the whole Frienz network shutted down (They started too many different games and eventually couldnt cope with it). After that we have tried several other servers, mostly low. Around 5-25xp no reset but masterlevels. But we haven't found one that isn't ruined by dupes or such things.

    But now, Jorgen (Synderen) and Liam (Terrafrit) found this server, a new low xp server with a good crew, and decent support to keep it going for a long time. I personally enjoy the 3xp +3xp from seal, however, I feel lonely on the server. We barely got any competition. After 1 1/2 month we run the server with 10 online players. I love the low xp, but I miss the people.I am not satisfied with the extremely low droprate of jewels, I would like it to be slightly modified so that we can make some sets for ourself. At the moment my elf who is lvl 260 got a crappy set with less than 150 defence (ee) but still low defence. My wings is +1, because I found only 1b total for 1,5month. I try to be as active as possible. But I feel there is no fun when there aint crowded with people. Therefore I agreed with my friends and the rest of the server (except 2-3 ppl) that the xp should be raised a little to increase the poplulation here. I understand that this is how you want your server, and thats what attracted me. But I feel that most of us looking for low xp servers are looking for xp around 3-10-15. But we aint that many. However, raising the xp slightly would increase the chance of people from low-medium servers to come here. We are trying to advertise. Without Jorgen and Liam half of us wouldn't be here at all. But it isn't enough. Make a compromise with us please. And no we do not want 25xp, we want a small raise! not a high one. (For those who said at 400 you will get tired and won't play. That is not true. Now we got masterlevels. You need about 150Masterlevels to fullfill it for now and the skilltree is not finished yet. We all know how long it takes going from 200 to 350. Try going from 400 to 550 (400+150ML) it will take ages, so no worries, if the server stays, then we have to be here for a long time to maximize our characters!)

    And we do NOT want 1000% droprate of ancients, but maybe 1 ancient per 1000 mob or so. The accusation that we haven't been 2 days online in LoT. Well, slightly afk, but we have usually been atleast 1 person online at all times. And I suggest a small raise of monsters in LoT. LoT is supposed to be an advantage for the owners, the only award we get is 1 ancient per 3rd day, but a dissadvantage of low zen. Increase a few monsters around so that LoT will be more attractive (maybe instead of increasing the droprate, add double the amount of mobs)

    James talks about the autolooter. Okey, you have blocked most of them, not all because it is not possible. It would change the non-existing economy to a small economy. But instead of allowing it, increase the jewel, and special item drop a bit so that you can get them online (special items I mean medals and hearts of love, firecrackers and such)

    Someone talked about increasing spots to make it easier for bk's to level, okey, do it then, add a few mobs close together not many though 2-3 max 4. But increase the xp gained in party to make parties more attractive. (I know from other servers this is possible) So that xp in a party would be 0,8 of what you would get solo or so. Because in a party you kill much faster and then the total would be better than soloing.

    At the moment I can't come up with much more, but I will comment if I got other suggestions. Rather than rejecting every suggestion you get, modify them and suggest if that would be better. Every great leader knows how to make a compromise. I hope you do as well.

    I have seen some of my friends saying they are going to quit, well, I am staying because I hope some of our suggestions will be accepted and implemented into the game. This server is good right now, but I believe with a few modifications it will be a great server.

    NB: I am not advertising for FrienzMu as it is closed down a few years ago!

    Oh, and sorry for everyone who needed to read all this, and felt like they wasted their time xD
  4. Wasabi

    Wasabi Member

    Nov 15, 2008
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    some of this, are good compromises.
    but as much as it may happen over time, were going to have to be patient.some suggestions will be heard others, wont.

    I like you avalon, your a nice person.
    im glad your staying :):thumbup1:
  5. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    I stand by my old frienz mu friend tom :) , we played for a very long time toghether and had great times , if you disagree with avalon then re-read the post till you agree. :)
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    excuse me ... and where is frienzmu now ? Oh wait ... it's a dead server, right ...

    Btw we started our network around the same time with frienzmu but the big difference is that we are still here.
    And about frienzmu ... their coders including las3r and dukegr were our coders for mu and some different other gameservers. Didn't expected that right ?

    So most of you start to realize that huh ?

    Avalon i ve told this like 1000 times in my other posts. We are unique in our way

    NO, we won't change exp for you 10x times faster than now, we won't increase ancient drop just you to get tons of them everyday or getting more and more jewels UNTIL WE THINK IT's REALLY NEEDED ( but for now all rates are good enough , exclude exp rise from here) and mostly WE WON T ALLOW AUTOLOOTER and WE'LL BAN EVERYONE USING IT

    As trippy said, he wouldn't want a different exp than 3x if there are more players. Well wake up ppl - it's a new server, MU doesn't have so many players such as wow or l2, to get more online players we need advertise both made by us and BY YOU; a server needs a lot of support from players simple as that. Next, we need to gain everyone's trust because most ppl run away of such exp due to many low exp servers that are closing pretty fast and make everyone loose their time.

    Patience & Advertise and i'm more than sure you gotta love everything later on when more and more players will join

    @jamescicio, you'd better read all other posts 1000 times instead of telling others to do that
  7. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Read my post again. I can understand from your writing that you did not read my post properly. I asked you to lisen to your players, not just jumping to conclusions. I said I did not ask for a higher xp rate. But I said that it would probably attract more players, and that is more important than the xp itself. Mu is not that interesting, its the people playing it who makes the game fun and enjoyable! I did not ask for a 10x faster lvling server, I asked for a compromise, to make everyone happy. I want you to do your best to keep the players that is already here by compromising with them. I made several suggestions to the server, not exactly what the crowd wanted, but an alternative without making it too easy. And yes FrienzMU is history. That is because the owners did several mistakes and took too much work on their shoulders.

    Btw, say hi to Las3r for me! I used to talk to him on webcam back when we played Frienz. Just say Tom from Frienzmu. And if he is one of your programmers, then maybe you should ask him if it isnt a good idea to lisen slightly to the crowds oppinions.

    Another thing: I really hate your attitude. Here I come with constructive criticism and making suggestions for the server, and you totally blow me off. I suggested a way to make it more enjoyable without autolooter because I know you won't allow it. I suggested to increase the amounts of monsters in LoT instead of raising the droprate. I suggested making spots easier for BK's, and instead make the party xp higher so that the main reason for spreading the mobs (I.e. Making people party) is still conserved.

    Please act like a professional when you are answering our post. I do not like your BOLD letters (Trying to yell at me maybe?) or the cocky attitude asking where friendz is. Act like a professional and we will respect you. Answer our requests with a "I will think about it" Or a vote option would be a better way of answering us instead of "NO it will NEVER happend" Or " I will change it when I want, not when it's needed".

    Kind regards,
  8. Terrafrit

    Terrafrit Supporter

    Feb 19, 2011
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    I love you Tom.
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    you can't ask for respect when you don't offer it. About the frienz thing isn't a cocky attitude, it's just sarcasm .. there is a big difference right here

    There are some important things that make this server so special and you wanna change that and by rejecting this you hate my attitude. I'm sorry but i don't really care .. if you can't understand that no means NO then i can't help you with that. I'm always opened to constructive criticism but do it by showing off some respect and if you don't respect me then respect this server configs
    I suggest reading Crusadius thread and remember he's the one that started the petition thread

    The bolded words are just used to point out better some words so you can pay attention on that paragraph. Isn't reffering to yell at you or something at all ...
  10. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Now we are getting somewhere sepiroth, that is a more professional way of replying.
    I am sure that if I asked what changes we asked you to do to the server you wouldn't know exactly what we were asking because you are outraged with changing rates and you never really explained why you think it is a bad idea. If you are gonna keep the server online for 5 years all the better , even if it were 10 xp it still wouldn't be easy ( i am JUST SAYING That IFlike 7 xp solves a leveling problem :) , takes you from 1 week to grow half a level to a couple of days , i have a crew of 5 players which whom i played a 25 exp server , a 10 xp server , now i am playing this current, while they are playing pho*****.com, i don't want at all to advertise that server , i invited them to come play, they said it is to low. Can you imagine 10 xp , i got 5 new guys on in minutes.
    Ok lets just say we don't change the rates , all the respect then for the decision.
    I tell you that 10 xp , will still take people years to max their master level. :) and that is not the issue , it just would attract more energy elfs, i ask you why would you think it is a bad ideea to raise exp , or use auto-loot , please explain your opinion.
    Regards, PureSoul
  11. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    autoloot is stupid...what is one legitimate reason for using it on a low exp server? so you sit afk and are able to loot zen etc...and use that for moss gambler event or other things...even if you get maybe 1-2 boxes or hearts every couple days while afk looting...that is 1-2 more then you normally wouldn't get...the point of afk is to gain levels...not to pick up items...if you want to get items...stay active couple hours a isn't too hard to find time in your day to do that...

    as for exp...that is up to sephi...but it won't change right now...and probably won't in the near future
  12. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Please sepiroth answer this as it is pointed to you, not or any other repliers. it is located on page 3 .
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