No problems Castle siege isnt important, and we were all late, besides it was a joke so you just saved some time.
Kheloo didn't leave because of PvP or the failed CS, but because of general low activity lately... too silent, too peaceful for us, we like war and murderous people (+ it's kinda hard to talk English all the time, we need to bitch and curse in romanian ) And I'm just following him since he's a friend. Sorry for that Z, but good luck getting active members !
when i was leaving i anunce that i whana make an ally, so i hope Zander will be ok with this. and like wave sad....we whana bitch and curse in RO ) in rest very nice G...very nice players we see in game Kheloo
It's okay, i have some stuff do to in personal life, and 2 days off was obviously problem for you guys, but it's okay i have no time now to lead a guild . So we will see you someday. Peace. Didn't know CS whas that important to you guys, especially now when nothing is balanced, and it will in the faaaaaar future. So yeah you should get a good guild with su in it to win next 5 or 6 CS. We decided to leave, so take care everyone
The cs is more important for you than to them as you can see. I see you're still upset so good luck finding a better ballance then you'll understand this game more because you'll realize some things. Let me know when you're realize the RF has the same def as bk in many other servers PS: The HP cap removal has definetly took out that SU advantage so you should test that again. For example SU was killing bk on duel all the time while now the situation has changed. Test it yourself and see Btw, answered to your pm so hopefully you'll realize some things And those two guys are just creating their guild because as they said they wish to talk in their native language more and want to make an alliance with you. They didn't left because of CS or because of you and this may also be a good think by creating a stronger alliance
CS wasnt important, and we were not prepeared for it anyways. Goal was to get other players after CS as guilds always go crazy. Gix , seriously you dont have to explain yourself. I'm not upset , im just busy, not going to play mu for awhile. Speaking of balance it will always be an endless thread thats why people argue all the time, and it's good , if you've changed hit cap to make them killable then we achieved our goal at some point by complaining about SU. Wait till you hear about DarkLords
If you gonna tell me darklord can't be killed that would be a real joke. Let me know if you want me to make your char the strongest (joking ofc)
Naah raven is fine, they lose shield ( extra DD + DDI ). I just heard a lot of them lately ( maxed chars) complaining ;p No matter what they do they are useful with summon and critical buff, im just saying cause they die so fast as they try to stay with 16k agi , to save Fire scream but we all know that wont work for them. They've been complaning about the damage of birds and so on.... The only issue here is their speed. Reduceing it to its half , would let them be able to max stat agi and use Firescram = happy darklords? I know you are joking, kinda ironic but SM is strongest of all, if well played, as he have the best speed and defensive ability that let you keep the distance, and stay invisible / unpredictable. Only problems with Su, like everyone. . But enough of that.
Seriously Z? You need to be uber-pro with SM, tele, retarget, shoot again, tele jump all around... to even have a chance. The other guy just needs to press the Ctrl key and approach the target, no brainer. Especially with the very low 50% mana shield :| The fact that you are very good with SM doesn't mean that everyone is as good. Everyone else but you complains about SM being grossly underpowered... uh.
Naah Sms are okay man, BK - cake , Elf - little worse but not hard, RF - they 2 shot you...if they shoot you, keeping the max distance and hiding behind pillars give you the advantage. DarkLord- meh, easy. Especially when they are FireScream build. MG - they have more power than you , and they might reach you with PS , but you get 2-3 hits when they get 6-8. And they have lack of shield and helm. I won every duel with top max players, but SU( and you know why). And believe me only problem was RF ( kheloo) who 2 shoted me. We had 2 duels only witch in one i got bugged ( i was loosing ~2-6)so we had to remake and the other i won( with~ 4-10). As Darklords and Bks 0:10. Sometimes they killed me but that was my bad. SM are strong. They have low damage , thats obvious, and yeah maybe when everyone get DD socket full items, they wont be able to kill most of them. But at this moment SMs are very strong. Yes you have to use your teleport wise, but thats the way of SMs, requires some training , but everyone gets it after a time, if you dont believe in his power maybe you should switch But...Telenova is not working. It works randomly so...yeah it would be super cool for CC and duels , as you can use Nova while teleporting all around ( nova benefits more from strength[ 1 ene - 1 damage, 1 strength - 2 damage, so you can do insane damage with it , probably 1 shot SD) Finally, i agree you have to do your best while RF, SU, ELF, MG can just stand there and shoot. THo BKs nd DLs have to really think what they are doing in order to reach you, so its even harder for them