nu te injur...da ma duc sa ma imbat pana maine...asa de plictiseala:)) succes ady
haide haide hai la jocc...mama ce ma plictisesc, ma uit la Rataciti in Panama :))
ok boi :D i know its late now,... and you're probably drunk :))
not u... Dirty
boi when ure online look for me, to add u in guild again :D
bun venit inapoi merge ca pe roate gata pc reboot
what a bunch of rats...
dau si eu un restart la comp cu ocazia asta... system uptime: 2 days..10hours ...:D
a venit si reboot-ul la vedem skimbari :P
hello naabs
A: Storm Wings Q: How many Battle Masters a guild can have?
sa intri pe mess lolu cand poti..dai un buzz
L a s t
si la managalia e taiato la constanta
lolu, let me know when ure ingame, to guild u
Im sayn GN with a nice thought ..have a look: [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.