C3nt u should ride with me from now on...since u got the Spartan set...^^...:cool: just kidding=)):D
don't know...=))...anyway they'll show up..:D
prea multe rstantzeee:)))
yup...but just the 2 of us:confused: :eek: ....(meaning guild aliances)...come on ppl register....:D
Guild: SpartanS Guild Master: ArchKnight Guild Alliance Name: SpartanS Afiliated Guilds:Fusion, DoubC, InmortaL, Gothyka, SpartanS
Guild: SpartanS Guild Master: ArchKnight Guild Alliance Name: SpartanS
im last..... so i want spartans set fo..:)))
and the aliens
spamin all day long..:))
tini ogre takes wet babe..:)) EMCC
neah...its good that wee will have more competitzion...but stilll....w8 for this sundays cs...
DR is back....it should be interesing...:cool:
all the new players that are interested....pm me or eny of my felow aliance gm-s, when the server opens of course:D
man nush ... adi se tzine d cuvant....dar dak nu se deschide azi probabil a intampinat nijte probleme tehnice....da nu itzi face griji...k se va...
o sa ii gaseshti prin joc.....sunt ktziva...;)
I am sorry to hear that u are leavin us Opty but what ever is better for u:(.....its ok with me....and i respect everithing u did within this...
I already have one..:))..maybe 2..:D Do u like swiming???
Separate names with a comma.