were back in buisness:D....and loking for a guild to aly with:cool: ....couse there 1 free spot...due to some friend not palying any more...so if...
sry power....won't happen again:P
sry for not using english in my first post.... i belive u hypo...and ill have a talk with guard...hope that this kind of incidents will not happen...
hmmm....nu vreau sa supar p nimeni...dar pt k ia spus "ba muie"...5 zile ban???:eek: ...pana la urma....nu e o injuratura....shi hypo:confused:...
x defenetly..:D pizza or coked meals:D
am uitat:D....speack in english... and so im last:D again:D
10:22 am gtm+2 romania sleepy and bored
978....whats the prize???
nu prea:))
A: To much i guess...:)) Q:Do u know how to use firebug??:D
A: defently firefox:D Q:whitch is better??? diablos hammer or bb???
false... PBM is a forum moderator:D
well i guess when 2 fight the 3-d wins:D... meaning me:D...muhahahaha:cool: :cool:
sry for disturbing but i have my bk stuck in arena....:confused: account:boby88 char:ArchKnight ty in advance:p
stupid ppl..:))
va ashteapta o surpriza mica...p totzi:D
i don't know what to say...but we defenetly need a capacity increase on servers..couse more and more ppl are joinig....so more room and more...
i think its tonight....
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