i need locks feather will trade exe items i have bunch of set items and exe items to trade my ingame name is itoshii and im usaly on server two...
ill trade dragon wings +10 for your wings plus 2 soul and 2 bless
ok i have my guild got two people in it plus me helpfull team nice guild master will help with first reset and will help anytime needed pm me in...
no it doesnt even run it wont run till i winish that number thing
ok i got my new updater RUNNING AND it wont find updates its saying i need to well ill show you its saying i need to fill this out DiabloMU...
me me me spam spam
ok what i want freew stuff lol ap[am spam
ok i got q how do you drop them it just drops bow each time i drop them and can some one tell me how to fix updater i downloaded the new one but...
if youd like to join reply here ill check this everyday and get to you im on most of the day my char is ittoshii and you can pm me if youd like im...
ok i got one make the drops a little more for jewl of belss and soul i never find any of them and i got 5 resets so yea ited make playing a lot...
i am begging you to dellete my sm from my account please i messed up and picked the wrong kind wanted elf but picked wizard please delete it its...
you need to download winzip to use the up dater lol just extract the files fo\rom the rar file to your seson 3 cliant file
how do i fix updater it wont run and im confused im new to programing please i need help my versiojn is old i got the new updater but it wont rune...
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