thx! Enjoy!
I cant play too..
may be better make drop Dragon/Legendary/Guardian maximum? no GS/BD/Di! Guardian Angel only find, no shoppp... Kalima ticket max +4. its more...
+1 drop medal max dragon,legendary! no GS and BD,Divine
+1 mana shield as default! SM must competitive with BK. +diminish time revival Goldens (Tantalos can revival 3 times in 24 h)
Hello every one! GM , i have questions for u. 1) S6E3 will be drop Exc 380 Items in Kantru Event? I look it in S4E6. 2) I hope Illusion Temple...
my old password is work.i join.OK
Invalid account
My nick is Alexander. I Try. Cant...
Cant join. Account is invalid
I Have this Problem too. Account is Invalid...
I join. Thx!
yesterday i go sleep. My personage in Valley of Loren.Today i cant join game my personage :( . Other personage, no Valley of Loren, i join. Me...
dear administration. help!
I cant play too... Account is invaid... my password is 11 symbols - game window- only 10 - its after server down in 5.05.2012. what make? :( I...
Separate names with a comma.