some sort of ideea of a translation here: and here:...
After i ask him for party and he refuses. He says this, its in french but if u google a bit u can find what it means:
hai ma gata nu conteaza, nu suntem nici calugari nici sfinti, injuram , bem , scuipam si ragaim, suntem barbati/baieti si gata...Ar trebui sa ne...
da ba, vreau si eu una, da ice cold frate... :X
daca ii dau warn lu Mushu zice ca am ceva cu alianta voastra, dar frate ai buton de EDIT, si daca nu mai ai, ai rabdare sa mai posteze cineva si...
nooooo...cookiz at CS:P
Fara modestie zic ca eu sunt primul care condamna acest comportament, in calitate de GuildMaster, am aplicat regula la mine in guild : IEI BAN =...
ure an angel o:) haha damn i have so much work to do...renovating the whole kitchen...moving stff and shit
anddd closed!
Good Night all
ure a naab , enjoy ure server :| blow me i dont talk to TRAITORS!!
ma kinui de la 390, acum incepe treaba, sper sa da rr pana la noapte ca am party bun in atat
No cookiz!!! >:p:
afk parties are ok. single players afk can be moved by admin only if another full party want to takeover the spot. In big words: Make a full...
Ure not allowed to come back....ure a mephisto traitor :D Morning
stiu asa jucam si eu, cand mam incercat cu dota vreo luna de zile :D
Lately my desktop looks like this non-stop : [IMG]
try getting killed maybe.. that does the trick for me usually
gtfo naab
Separate names with a comma.