boooi, first get ure ass on YM, try to run main.exe in compatibility mode with windows xp! use right click/proprieties check ure firewall status. this is my drawball creation, try to find it naab [img]
who else hates the news posts on the forum x(
someone wants a suspemd:DD
go away
naab get ure skinny ass ingame
booooi, did u got there? did u got settled in? is ure internet ok? now start playing mu :D
sincer n-am fost atent
damn :|
nu m-am mai dus nicaieri, ca am fost buzy cu casa, cred ca iau o pauza pana in ianuarie :))
sara buna
hehehe :P
N o c o o k i z !
hallo :P wb Anna
;) erau ceva bani daca puneam asa la pariuri doamneee cel mai prost specimen de roman care l=am vazut, imi e rusine de noi
And try to vote from the same IP, dont change them too often or the system will not give u credits considering its a fraud.
boiii we`re waiting for u
no its not sick, its Hax :))
who cares..
Separate names with a comma.