ok then CLOSED and scuze me cause I have another definition for scamm/scammer that means 1.a person who swindles you by means of deception or...
so...what's the admins answer...is or not that punishable?I still expect one answer.Thank you.
4,30 pm London,U.K. dry but cold, the night is allready here...
Haideti la nunta lui iubifire ca daca-i bal....apoi bal sa fie, btw iubi unde are loc nunta? sau ai sa anunti pe globale?
you lucky guy...I'm still looking for a Venom Armour lk+ref...
17,48 pm,London,U.K....here was a rainy and cold day...much better inside:P
nobody?my items are too crapy?:P
+1 So...now I have Boots, Gloves and Helm...so I still need Armour and Pants...I still expect someone whit this 2 items.GL everybody.
morning guys...how's going today?my weather sucks today...rainin' so I have 3 options...sleep,drink or MU :))
so this wings lvl 4 are allready available on this server????? I ask cause I saw in BC one BK whit wings lvl 4...I made SS...and IF this wings is...
...or maybe just a few people is looking on forum to buy or sell stuff...just be patient...or send more globals ingame whit what you need..
neatza lume, ce-i linistea asta pe aci...ia scularea si puneti mana pe arme :))
VM Gloves+ref+luck Vm Helm+ref+luck 12 jwl each...if you don't like my offer then tell me your price or pm ingame LaDraqu, but I think is a...
I'll offer you 25 jwls for ring DSR+Ref
We make an agreement...I sold to him one item and he pay me 4 jwls...so,I put in trade window that item and he put there 4 jwls , I press ok but...
Few days ago Enemyx scamm me whit one deal...I don't have SS whit that deal and his scamm cause I believe in people honesty...in that day,another...
+1 I allready have boots....and I expect another items if you have, that means Armor,Pants, Helm and Gloves
Wanna buy Venom Items or Venom set ONLY whit this options : 1--Lk+Ref+dd 2--Lk+Ref+dsr the items can be +0 or +100 :p whit or whitout add,...
All Items are EXECELENT. My list is : Weapons Master Scepter -- EDr/Incr attack/force wave skill Blade -- +1/Cyclone skill/LK/Incr...
Separate names with a comma.