I don't understand,...help you whit what????....
forgot MU guys for a while...go get a girl, some booz and let's go party....
Pace, iubire si bauturi :p sa fie deviza de revelion !!!!
play legit guys play legit, don't screw this game...
@bozziovai - if I choose a blonde girl I think that will be Kristanna Loken : http://img523.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kristannaloken2ax0.jpg...
LA MULTI ANI!!! romanilor...daca viata asta e asa de scurta macar faceti-o LATA :P
always PC Rock or tehno?
gratz for CS guys...keep it real...and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
uite ceva sa va mai descretiti fruntile de sarbatori, cel putin eu am ras de ma durea burta:...
Deschide usa si lasa spiritul Craciunului sa iti intre in casa! Deschideti inima si lasa Bucuria si Implinirea sa iti intre in suflet! Deschide...
I will call you on game cause i need something
yea...like anyone believe you little lier :P:P
CRACIUN FERICIT!!!! romanilor...sa petreceti bine :)
Boby88, yeah is a verry proper desktop for Christmas, gratz...I like it...where you find it if I'm not too verry curious?:P lol,I found...
"I have combined beer + sprite and it taste good :P" bah...try some more explosive like whisky1/3,vodca1/3 and 1/3 tequila+redbull...only one...
My new desktop: http://img88.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenhunter01dec231352me7.gif
Buna...cam liniste pe aci
Sarbatori fericite!!! pt toti membrii DarkArmy din partea mea
ok no prb mi-am refacut vechiul meu guild si de data asta nu ma mai convinge nimeni sa mai intru altundeva...Sarbatori Fericite la toata lumea!!!
no one?you are shy guys?
Separate names with a comma.