yeah im solo.....=))...but i have a potetzial qeen...:D:rolleyes:
if it were held on sunday as it was supposed to ...much many were to come...but on manday....:( ...dont worry about us combo....welll manage just...
i apriciate that a lot durfi...and i know the kingd of person u are... and all others that posted here... dont pk sun just because...u wrote here...
i Winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn=))
subiect d discutzie: cele mai tari locatzii din romani shi d c???:D eu unu sunt d parere k la munte e cel mai frumos:D...shi cel mai bine ma...
u hunting me lulu or rolu..=))))=)))) that a joke????
nice pics m8....:D love snakes also:D
well since Sunrise is a v good friend of mine...ill stand up for ofence to nowbody...but durfi i dont know why u stand up for...
wazzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaappppppppppp:D.....romanica draga:)))....
spritzzzzzzzz:D shi ra3..=))
gata fretzilor a aparut ra3:D....o sa ma mai vedetzi maine la inregistrare shi dumink la cs:D..=))...gata ku viatza sociala=))...ra3:X
this is the best club and and dance music radio from romania... the rest i cant post cozz ill take me about 200 rows just...
come on tzu ban for stupid or dumb???loooool
GOOOOOOODDDDD NIGHT TO of to meet my girl of my dreams....:D...(sleeping..=))..):D
this new 65 k full stats sucks badly...:( :( :( ... no more fun when pvp...1 hit ure gone...:(:(:(:(
sry for double posting.... well dd+dsr...if the best for elf..because an elf is made ofr only 1 thing from my point of buff other...
im not joe...but i can explain.....joe said ref+hp+max hp...meaning that it will give u the maximum posible life that u can have so that the ref...
u think that was a lot...take a look at my friends BexecutorBK's wedding:D [IMG][IMG]
4 free sports in SpartanS guild have been made.... So if u wanna are the things that u have to apply to: Speack english...coz is't a...
i think ill move my sm in here..:D 1 of the best guilds in-game:D
Separate names with a comma.