hmmmm if that's so ... i supose ill go in lorencia and make evrywone stupid and idiots...maybee even an admin...coz i wont get an ban???lool
u guyz knew secrets this whole time ....:(:(:(....i nevermade an item +13...just +11...=)) i buy my items+13:D
i know that the opt to trade dm coins to enter odin server is not yet done..but im weeling to trade all my dm coins for 1 day in vip:D:D
nice outfits:D
waaaaaaaaaaaaooooooouuuuuuuuuuu.....qe fac romanashiii:D??
i know it.:D=))
^^ te cred...dar asta nu inseamna k nu pot incerca;)
and i win again:D
bragerz^^ sau dak vrei sa ii batzi rau p cei din Veterans DarkSide..etc.... pm me..:cool: :cool:
yeah morni from me to(:|
-set options don't work enywhere exept crywolf or lorendeep..and those are the best places to make pvp -duel option doesnt work in thise places...
what are u guyz talking about???? ~:>
i want that titan helm tell me when will be online this eavning so i can pm u
hell ally with me lol...but that not the main concearn...
will this ever end???=))
wow..nice to se bozye come back^^...have fun
5:41 pm dark...and cold ass hell...:(
so i understand u wanna tame the "beast" in game ArchKnight....let's talk:cool:
i realy dont like surprizez....:D
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