pls close thread ..because is gonna get to other disctions realy off topic
i mean doooh .... did u even think what u said????....u think that my elf and snd just stod still and w8-ited for u to come and enter?????? the...
ghost let it bee ... its just like u said it doesnt matter eny more... good for him .... i dont care ....
u guyz didnt get it at point wasnt regarding the whole aliance...its was regarding only 1 man.... as i said .... even if ghost or...
well he killed me when i had all those 5 skils....along with all m partie...and when i entered he was still there.....and we hit him
and sick u know better....there are no strange skills or happenings....the rules and configuratzion of this game are simple....and we all know them
ok lets make things straigt, ok???? the fact is that nowone and i mean nowone no matter what set fo or not fo....cant stand alono against 4 bk max...
durfi i dint acuze u of nothing...just that is a little aquard that 4 full bk and 2 full dl fully buffed got killed b just 1 guy...thats all
this image proves all....we were 4 bk full stats from witch 2 with fo sets and 2 dl from wotch 1 with full set....and this is what happend: [IMG]...
[IMG] [IMG] no comment:|
26-12-2008; 16:00 PachA 5 bok+5+ 5 bok+4 Scramble event - 5 winners
sry for that...reading mistake:D
guyz if u ever see those "Spatans" guild emebers kill them instant....if there on s1..make a takeover..... i dont care.....i hate guyz that copy...
merry x-mass guyzz...:D
ok guyz this sunday we have 2 aliances agains us, so be there :D....this will be fun^_^
Craciun Fericit la totzi romaniii:D
since its Cristmass time :D this is my desktop [IMG] [IMG]
21-12-2008; 12:15 PachA - 2 bok+5 + 3 Bok+4 H & S event - 5 winners :twice 2kain2, IubiFIRE, OnimushaSM, an werwer
19-12-2008 ; 21:00 PachA and GitaaS - 2 bok+5+ 2 bok+4 + 3 cutom box Race Event - 3 winners:LordBrahma, JibZ , RanchO
salutare tuturor romanilor:D
Separate names with a comma.