Download and install latest drivers from, and try then. Hope u are not talking about the...
I was the one to bring thirteen :) Too bad he doesn't want to play anymore...
I think u installed the patch over other season2 cient. Try downloading the official client.
:D go on..
Well i didn't say there is, i am not a tarot card reader, i just HOPE there woudn't be(saw them on other servers). The fewer bugs the better the...
Wonder if the bug making Firescream pk without ctrl on pvp servers will show up. Hope the one with invulnerability in duel+firescream.. won't show up.
Orb of greater damage, not orb of greater fortitude. Greater damage drops in lorencia, from giants. :) Lt7 and A2 drop fortitude. She's an ELF.
Make the best you can do, we all hope we can bring some more old people in, and more new players.
I didn't mean for all the monsters more exe drops, the exe drop rate is ok how it is now. Just hand of maya, the ones that will take a full party...
They are a bit stronger but the drops are not good, and so is the xp(taking after zen drops). You coud double their levels, and increase exe...
I remember a time when the server owner played in disguise... :) Alot of castle sieges.. alot of arena killing. Hope we can bring those days...
TaLaW i really hope u have spike dsr+dd+ref because I WON"T trade for anything else. And I do mean, ANYTHING. Only spike with those opts. Also...
Well I have grown used to this server by now... Too bad few people that started with me or even before me can still play. So.. the old people...
kindof :D Still, i am making eplete set and black dragon.
My sugestions are about the monster power. After a few resets, anyone can kill about anything in a few hits. So that makes maps like Kantru and...
The message is for the raven, the raven can't get xp anymore because u have low command. Maximum level for raven&horse is 50. It's bugged here as...
MadCat. I am 90% of the time on server 2.
I have a spike dsr+ref that dropped in LT7 so i know what i am talking about. I wasn't online for about 4 days, but now i am back. TaLaW you...
Just like the ad said, T>DRAGON SHIELD+DSR+DD+REF for SPIKE SHIELD+DSR+DD+REF. EXE SPIKE SHIELD drops in lost tower 7. I will only trade for...
Coudn't edit my post. Or if soul is in store, then boom the price to 100-200M zen, no less than 100M. Opening the zen trading this way too.
Separate names with a comma.