REDEEMER si Angeldust se rasucesc in mormant. Macar mai e cineva din vechiul DarkSide?
Bites and scratches just like his owner hehehe
My little MadCat and how u can beat him(7 vs 1-low pots).
He's not a god, he was only in your noobish eyes. He was full when you were small and now u look at him with respect? Maybe I should pk all chars...
I vote for elf. Bk strongest but my favorite is elf :D
Re la toti.
Pk all stars are the best chars in DARKSIDE
Wellcome to the DARKSIDE. We have cookies :) 1st in command: MadCat(all tho i rather be battle master or just plain member) 2nd in...
A chaos item is made by using the middle option on the chaos machine. u need some items +7+12 from the store and 1 chaos. But to make wings u need...
Well a regular season 2 is the entire game actually. But to conect to THIS server u need a patch that is on the website. The thing is, when these...
Who's the veteran? I hope it's who i think it is.. all tho she said she won't :(
If u say so :) Don't take it personally. PS [Ti-am dat un msg privat cum trebuia sa fie, crede-ma stiu ce vorbesc. Si nu mi-o lua in nume...
Where did u learn english... :( Well nice to see ya :)
Was the missing file something like world7etc error? In any case, if any files are missing or a file error occurs, try: 1 reinstalling the client...
Well if they are bad opts then 5B each.
U didn't close the thread, i win! :P
To move from odin server(event server) use this: just type /move Map, where Map is map name. Eg: /move Noria. U will find yourself on the server u...
When's the end comin?
Just tell me how many jewels u want for them so i know how many i have to find. Wish i would have read this post before i wasted about 30B & souls...
He means cleric as in soul master but don't worry we call them by their regular names ingame:) Btw wellcome to my guild too :P
Separate names with a comma.