Ahm put your hands in the air and gimme all you jewel:rolleyes:
Well they won CS again:D
Answer:It doesn't:D
a demonicdaybreak to...
If things work out the proper way,me and Shadow will be making sigs for the whole forum to use. Welcome to the place I told you about...
Can I spam as much as I want:confused: here? :D Nvm that.I'm so gonna win this thing.
Cool song envy.I like the band:D With Broken Wings-A Beautiful Tragedy
noobs are alive!:eek:
My option would be Castle Siege.:-?? and the custom coding:D
I like pie:D Bet you never heard this before:>
and now,from the section of band people don't usually hear of,I bring you "DeathCab for Cutie"-Bend to Squares
Thanks all of you.I'm really enjoying myself here on this server.Too bad I'm tied to another.I'll have to choose between them eventually cause I...
Uhm sorry for buzzing in,but all 2+1 users are posting to request that the same char-SamSung be submitted for a grand reset? Freaky. Here's a...
Vote or die and go to HELL:)).Diablo's waiting and he's got a pointy thingy aimed at your behind;))
Ziua buna sa aveti.
60 b/s.Dunno about prices on this server cause I started 2 days ago.But I'm guessing it's gonna take more than that since jwl drops are pretty high.:D
pick me pick me.I'll show you my impressive Pokemon collection:>
Who said pinoy are stupid?On all servers I've played there were always pinoy that acted out as the ones that are hurt,the victims.I wonder what...
Nightwish-Sleeping Sun.
My name is Alex,I'm 17 and come from Romania.I play a DL,ign is MaliceWish and I think we'll be seeing a lot of each other:P The person by whom I...
Separate names with a comma.