i think nobody need your weapons ^^
LOL !! i have 2gb ram and 1mb internet , the problem continue..
170 jwls for diablo + id2%
Account name: nandoxx Character name: xnandoxx Additional character name: n-a Ammount of DM Coins: 0 + Virtual I Don't Know Status: NoN -...
most online is each CHAR or each ACCOUNT ?
Omg Rathronix U Are Noob? Read Dm Coins Information Before Post Man!
balgass armor and boots+ref i need pm me xnandoxx or nandoww
i think you will cannot request this itens,, max 2 options,,
goblin eat my guard siege shield+ref+dd ¬¬
I need 60 resets, 60 d coins and 120k stats but 120k stats added or Non-added?
Read dm coins information before post man! only 2 opts each item if your item have luck, you can request only 1 opt, because 'LUCK' is one...
nice skin, but i prefere orginal skin of lorencia.. i like skin sets of mu v97d+99
I think should ban them, stupid peoples
Plate armor+9+luck+dd Plate gloves+ 9+luck+dd Plate pants+9 +luck+dd plate boots +9+luck+dd Dragon Helm+11+ref Dragon Armor+9+luck+ref...
hmm cool ^^ thx
ok.. i find.. but the guild won onlty permission for enter in LOT ?
nice opts.. nice defense
Omg ! Close All My Posts Now..
ok ok.. castle siege has coming.. BUT IF MY GUILD WON CS, WHAT WE REWARD?
what is the difference ? more exp? more drop ?
Separate names with a comma.