i dont understand RO.. but i translate =]
speak english please ^^
ja reportei :X Next Time Try To Use English Please:)
offer here or mail: xnandoxx
because i post ss of my vault when i want.. OR I'M A HACK JWLS? haha =) i have a nice STRATEGY for got many jwls =)...
i didn't mean make 'drop event' i said make any server event.. server 1 and 2 - dont drop aramid armor pants and helm (no exc) server 3-dont...
season4 have ancient dragon armor and pants..
well .. I think the server is stopped too .. and also I think you should do some event where the drop items from the server 3 could drop in...
joedirt.. can you take my vitality points for grand reset yesterday and put on energy?
its no FO .. its ancient ring.. he think ring ancient was FO
Bump!!! ..
aww.. you cannot take my points in vitality? i'm now without strong =/ -- please take my vitaly points for grand reset and return my energy
nice staff :D .. i have dread wing staff +13+edr
S> Dread Wing Staff + 13 + Excellent Damage Rate + 10% MAIL: xnandoxx or OFFER HERE :D I"M PREFERER JWLS
i made grand reset with my sm.. and my vitality status dont reseted.. i have 15824 in vitality.. i want you add 10000 in energy and 5k in...
xnandoxx: i dont understand RO
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