haracter name:xnandoxx Ammount of resets:130 Status: NoN - Transfered Character Ammont of DM Coins 0 ( I WILL GOT ) + Virtual I Don't Know...
i'm kicked and i dont know the reason ^^
i was lvl up in barracks.. when FASTASIOSO was come and start ksing me .. well.. i said to him : no ks or party .. and look what him reply me:...
i have red lord plate +13/+11 +ref all.. some parts +ref+dd i want you aramid set =))
bump !!!
but sephi.. you can update the list of grand reset for take aramid in list of SM and BK :?
WAVE...if you got arami armor in refuge.. i give you 100 jwls ( for you find it) + 30 (priece armor) =)
i was 6 hours ^^ and nothing ^^... check the drops ^^
i'm offereing my set fenrir waior + 11 +DSR and + 800 jwls for set aramid =)
sumoner can use red lord plate ??? why have it on the GR list ? if have that itens on sumoner and cannot be equiped her, i think if have itens...
benbs.. this chars is in 1 account only.. i have sm with 60 rr and bk with 140 in only 1 ACC the rules of GR is: if you make GR with your SM.....
i'm 4 hours in refuge.. dont drop aramid armor pants and helm =//.. sephiro. check the drop server please =/ make me a favor please.. check it
aramid itens can be requested(GR) with my sm ?? it is can be equipped by SM.. then.. can i trade my GR with my sm and BK for aramid pants and...
cyrax and arrowstorm.. i like they
OMG.. i got only boots and gloves in refuge.. in refuge you droped aramid armor? or aida? aida1 or 2?
thx bro.. when you find it?? it is impossible ! O.o
i think have not any itens on the server.. aramid pants, armor and helm ( NO EXC ) dont drop in barracks, refuge, k7, k6,.. none map so...
Exc Or No Exc!!!!!!!!!
OR PANTS ARMOR AND HELM nice offer... post here or mail me xnandoxx
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