they drop silver plate items ^_^
I Saw Recyclebin.. He Looks A Mosquito In Game ^_^ Just Joking No Offense ^_^
Lol Its Just Invasion
S> Celestial Bow+13+luck+inc Dmg 2%+edr+inc Dmg Lvl/20 Mail Your Offers To My Character [emo]blink If U Want...
hey by the way.. i dont really understand the meaning of asi,,, lol is that native language or what?
uh.. cennturio told me .. we would ally with you when renger and centurio is online at the same time with our gm... is that true?
EVERY character must have combo lolx... i suggest u put all characters each with a combo.. lika the bk combo coz its very unfair... \ my...
if u dont know how to pm the admin... just w8 for some time.. atleast 3 hrs.. ur character will be connected again... one tip is if ur computer is...
yah.. ur right ^_^
when can i play my character [EMO]BLINK back?? is it after 48 hrs after that report or 24th hour of that 2nd day??? because i dont know when can i...
bible black ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I also watch bible black.. i have complete episodes... lol... want to borrow?? hahaha
ur nonesense ive never seen u b4 ^_^ dont know u.. im sorry so i cant tell u ur very strong... @_@
wow... nice one gust ^_^
my character name is [EMO]BLINK
i will join
The last wish.. 3 men were trapped in an island they have no food and they waited for a rescue team but no one saw them they thought they...
hello.. i want to introduce myself here and ot in-game coz im noob there.. well atleast not very noob.. im a kid.. i think ^_^ i...
Is There A Server Maintenance Today..?? Coz I Cant Connect My Account.. Pls Check It Immediatly Everybody Here Cannot Connect... Fix It Asap Pls
Separate names with a comma.