Not buying EXC GREAT DRAGON ARMOR, becouse i got it, still buying pants, gloves, boots and helmet.
A question, where i get loch's feather? i havent found it in drops.
I dont think the problem is in DiabloMu. I think your computer has some problems. Try re-downloading MU. Or re-install if you got the install...
use the ''search'' button. there are like 50 threads about grand reset system.(first time I had the chance to say this :D)
Selling 13 chaos, 9 creation. Make your offer in blesses and souls. Im thinking lige 9 creation for bless or something...
Already have level 1, now im going for level two. I hope, the guide works, thank you alot Premium, now i know how to make them too :)
Selling EXC Chaos Dragon Axe, EXC Chaos Dragon Shield, WARRIOR LEATHER ARMOR, WARRIOR LEATHER PANTS+1, EXC Black Dragon Gloves, EXC Dark Phoenix...
i got exc black dragon gloves....you interested?
i know wheres search...
nvm, a friendly player gave me wings.
1. take items +7+add from the shops--add what from shops? :S 2. go to noria ( chaos goblin )--yer... 3. press 2nd combine option--yer... 4....
Blade Knight (Y)
my bad. it was here, reaaly sorry ppl.
there wasnt a topic about this under this bugs section. im not gonna search the whole forum for it. THAT is YOUR problem if you cant make people...
i got exc dragon axe and usual one put i cant put them into the mixing box. they just wont stay in. can anyone help me in-game? my ign is madknight
It is, look the guide, there is no shop at Devias that sells chaos weapon, and i cant put chaos dragon axe in the mixing box. So it MUST be wrong?
When you drop it, you dont receive anything...It just falls to the ground. But it says drop it, to receive zen or items. Whats the problem?
Who are you to command us? You should better stop being such a nosy kiddo.
Separate names with a comma.