well,this is not the only mu server i play(in the same time),that's why i can tell me that my internet connection it's ok. And yes,i have all...
I have lag ,and I get d/c every 2 minutes. I have this problem for 5-6 hours ...I am tired of d/c... Can this problem be fixed? PS:my...
how much for divine boots+luck+zen ?
how much for Great Reign Crossbow +LK +S +EDR +Inc dmg/lvl +Add4?
ms de ajutor si scuzati deranjul :) trebe select server dupa ce votez? si daca tot ma ajutati cu nelamuririle mele,sa va mai pun cateva...
ok am inteles diferenta dintre credite di vcoins. problema e ca atunci cand apas X am 0 peste tot,la vcoins,premium si bonus coins..... si am...
mersi mult de oferta.dar am gasit guild deja ^_^
inca o intrebare: de ce nu primesc credite din vot?
Salut.Doar ce am intrat pe server si as avea si eu cateva intrebari: 1)Care este media jucatorilor online.Intr-o ora online am vazut 5...
Hi,I am new around here and i just want to say hello. Can anyone make me a short review about the server?Thx!
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