Crezi chestia asta??--poi si eu sper dar parca era mai bine daca ii dadeau deja drumul cu DB mai veche--de atunci recuperam toti si nu era asa...
Zoldberg i think you have right with your prediction -I think is a litle to long time to make server on--maybee is better to just bring on the...
Actualy 56 (38 members and 18 guests):)--very popular thread:D
Ce dracu- atat ne-a mai ramas:)
Man you're crazy:eek:-this week??? maybe today or tomorow!!!!!!
Suna bine da' parca as bea o bere langa BK-ul meu facand lvl-ing:)
I'l keep fingers crossed too:D--maybe we will play tonight????
Salutare:) ....noutati???:)
YEp--great news!!!--like we expected , DGN team do all to make this posible--THX FOR ALL!! my litleFOX is waiting:D
Neata allz:))--prefer cafeaua nu ceai--nu de alta dar am stat o carutza aseara la filme:) Si nu stiu daca ati vazut Sephi a scris ca a recuperat...
S-au potolit cred singuri--ce sa-i faci e mare plictiseala nici aia nu cred ca e o solutie sa ploua cu ban .
Pffffffff--vad ca de plictiseala nu va mai alegeti nici vocabularul ala superelevat!!!! Prea tare depindeti de joc!!---hey get your self a real...
Mda vesti bune --dar mai bune o sa fie cand sephi scrie ca toate sunt la loc si ca si inainte:)) (mai ales ca se chinuie sa refaca toate)...
That's very good news Sephi !!!!---Thx-fot that:)
Yep!!!--AApe you're damn right!!!--better later and good job done-and no wipe-i hate the first rr:)
Haos la tine 'neata e la 2:40??? :)----beeeeeeton!!!-de-ar fi si la mine asa?!? Super plictiseala aka--da asta e:)
Salutare baieti:)--Tzu-da dracului capul ca ala doare de la bere( stiu sigur):) si cum i-am scris si la sephi pe alt thread--am o caruta de...
Men....! like others before me says--such a thinks it's happens!! but like all- bad thigs have a good parts too:) 1-in future you will know what...
srry for this intervention but it is running well if you set the compatibility mode of the minimazer to run in win xp servicepack 3 mode--and a...
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