Wow waste of time? bahaha 2 weeks ago u don't say is waste of time playing here and bla bla bla crying becouse i ignore IDIOTS like you? bahaha...
hmm how come all rf's from server have no dmg and speed and just one guy with 2 chars have????????? Isn't weired?
lol fus naab rate pvm and rate pvp is diferent things and it have direferent formulas aswell. As i said there are 2 3 scenario to nerd RF and...
de ce sa dam? mai bine luam ce pana mea :))
Leave Kundum default drop how is GMO(like is now) to and add on NM high exe like xViperbow etc
is fuking old SS dude allredy got warned by gix for this
i can't admin things like is not real/true :) like allways lie and speak bullshit :) as i said take SS/VIDEO like me make. i have a video with 40...
Sugesting? maybe bad english speel :) and ye post it:)
post SS with that :) and stop crying like an nerd ;)
what i know? when i said GIX MAKE THIS for ME? stop smokoe shit dude ^^ and get some pussy:). What about vip map where is the problem with that?...
Read here =>> he said gix , why ruin server becouse all yor ally can't...
Well i take a video and it's show how cobra is bug abuser and he ruin CryWolf event :)
Im not crying just complain what you does with ppl to make you understend PVP = player versus player not player versus BOT :) [when u kill afk ppl]
Go non pvp to get ksed by a .... i don't know how to call right now will think and i will say u later :) Hehe it would better ad VIP map who...
You need 10 renas not 20 ^^^
My dear not all have time for play like you, you at home and wait to born right? so you have nothing to do and PK all :).
no one or just u? lol pk protected pkers? if can't be paked he will can't pk to :)
i guess yes default is lvl 6 i think
Well how about Pk Protection until lvl 400?
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