Hello! i would like to report and get fix the dmg of wings of conquerror! as u ll see in the screens below it just dont give those 71 %...
well since gvs for example much easier to obtain i see no reason gathering cherry xD
take a look at my girlfrend! she's the only one i got la-la-la-la
btw the npc sometime just dont spawn
hi ! as u ' ll see below in screens i won pvp laststand event but the npcwich should give the reward was not at his place ! whats even more...
during last 4 days i got disconected on random windows ! i mean from 3 acc online 2 may disconect ! okay today i had 4 times disc on my summoner...
im sry i didnt explained myself right i got murren stornm crow gloves + luck(ancient in my lexicon means more unical items then the summoners set !)
i would like to say igot a ancient gloves + luck from gayon event (from 90 times going there+-) i think its ok
ok ill take it in consideration but! what happens if hes DL nad has a horse he win 1000% same for fenrir users! those who have nothing have no...
are they so OP if noone on they serv got em ?xD
Hello ! is it possible to makesome spots or low radius respawns of mobs in Crywolf so we can farm a bit easier fenrir! 'couse few people got it...
i would also like to see a 1-1 tournament this sound nice)
theguide also says If the winner is not selected in in limited time,( this should mean by the time CC time passes and no one last stand or all...
yea and i get my wings for last stand there xDDD
and if both final players get wrecked by mobs what then ?xD hello dear GIX ! the CC event survival of the fits is ended and i was the last stand...
im fine with it considering its much more confortable to place for afk till 400! if u want power lvling go Lacleon if u are like me and watch...
windows 7 x 64 dual coure intel 4 gb ram 2 ghz
Hi everyone! is it possible to lower the CPU usage for main exe ( if i play 2 windows it gives 100 % cpu althought i have nothing else opened and...
Hello Going stright to the problem! I observed this in events with big quantiti of monsters like BC/DS and the problem consist in When i hit with...
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