Templars guild have simple rules: 1. If within you`re power to help another player or a fellow guild member do it; 2. Don`t swear in global chat,...
Guild Templars salute all members! We are a young guild with nice people, tho we are small, we do our best to improve gear and number of...
Daca aveti nevoie de orice fel de ajutor nu ezitati sa ma cautati in joc si/sau sa-mi lasati aici un mesaj. Daca imi este cu putinta va ajut cu...
Am uitat sa mentionez caracterele din joc: Kratos (bk) si Bragi (mg). SVI991 : mwhaha ce rau esti :)) P.S: hyper?
Am observat ca sintem cativa (mai multi) romani pe server, asa ca ma gandeam ca atunci cand timpul va permite sa stam si noi la taclale aici pe...
Ok i got Helm. Now i need only Armor!
I`m glad to be part of this comunity. I`ve played on Diablo long time ago (Salve Adi, am o carie:cheer: ) now i just have fun on Eternal because...
Hi man, iam Kratos :D Can i have the Vega Sacred Gloves? Thanks.
Kenzie here is Kratos noob:P Reserved Item: Vega Helm Hunter Number: Hunter002 or Hunter004 ...and Reserved Item: Vega Armor Hunter...
O felie (MARE) de tort si un pahar de sampanie tuturor. Azi piticania enervanta de Ahura da al 29-lea reset din viata lui:P P.S. Ca cadou...
Its with speed:(( Increase wizardy speed+7...
Sorry but no Edit button. Joe there is a little mistake about option from pendant. I want the option [Increase damage+2%] not [Increase wizardy...
Thank you Joe. Have a good day.
Account name: Ahura Character name: Ahura Additional character name: N/A Ammount of DM Coins: 0 Ingame DM Coins + Virtual I dont know Status:...
sephi pot sa te deranjez cu un PM ? Multumesc.
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