Hi there, Sweal Life master skill of BK is auto casting endless with muhelper. Is the same issue as Wizardry Enhance (SM), Fitness (RF) and...
A little introduction: I start playing EternalMu(in fact first in 2009 i was on Diablo), now i`m trying my skills on Diablo, well not to much...
Mi-am lasat capul pe spate. Eram ingrijorata. Nu stiam ce se va intampla, fiind pentru prima oara, nu stiam cum va fi, dar, stiam ce vrea si ce...
Nu stiu ce a fost atunci... Da acum e totul ok.:)
Nice to hear that and congratz for fixing. You think Sweal Life for bk can be also fixed in near future? Thanks and have a good day.
Anunt oficial: Pentru a veni in intimpinarea dorintelor angajatilor, luna aceasta vom da salariile marite, dupa cum urmeaza: Fluturasii vor fi...
Aviz amatorilor de agatat online:)) [img] Simplu test: [img] P.S: ma eu aici spamez de unu singur? :tongue:
Am vrut sa descarc din nou jocul si abia acu am vazut si patchul din iulie (n-am mai dat pe la downloads de ceva vreme) ! In fine am extras...
Mersi de rapuns. Da la mutarea itemelor din vault <> inventar si la trade se misca greu, fie cu click stanga sa le iau pe rand sa le mut fie cu...
Nu bre, nu la spawn ma refer. Am asa zisa retea de cartier gemenii network 192.12.xx.xxx (100mbps) si o linie de rds (50mbps) trecuta printr-un...
Adi sa nu mi-o iei in nume de rau dar lagul de juma de secunda e inca prezent, incarcarea mobilor e la fel de greoaie si in continuare primesc d/c...
Asta ar putea inseamna tradus in muonline ca " prima data doare, dar dupa primul reset o sa-ti placa"...:yahoo: [img]
Brrr n-am ce juca asa ca mai stau prin zona:P Ice pls qqq party:cheer:
Hi there, The slow speed skill is caused by a patch to reduce agility bug in the main client. Try to download from website "PATCH v1 - Normal...
Bai da e liniste rau pacilea:tongue: [img]
Maine dupa ora 20:30 (ora Romaniei) o sa fiu in joc pe Sharkoon in Lorencia. Vreau sa dau ce iteme mai am sa nu le prinda mucegaiul la mine in...
Mckenzie if you look at defence before parenthesis is bigger but still has no effect! Well what we see in parenthesis is the normal defence and if...
I discover something weird today. I made couple duels for testing purpose and i used 2 sets for my bk. First it gived me 13552 (15743+1434)...
We experience lag from 1 to 6 seconds throughout the day. For example today i dismantle some jwls and it took allmost a minute to appear in my...
Razboi, Irak si Kuwait, un irakian si un kuweitian stau fata in fata in transee si se impusca de zor. La un moment dat irakianului i se blocheaza...
Separate names with a comma.