Hi Raikan :)
Ok guys this will be our spam thread, so be yourself, be crazy, just please don`t swear or talk dirty.:tongue: Oh and use english only, because...
Ajunge un chinez în Chișinău, cu niște afaceri. Nu cunoaște nici un cuvânt în română, dar îi era foame cumplit. Intră el într-o cantină cu gândul...
Ice sa inteleg ca ai nevoie de ajutor cu party sau sa mergem noi la lvl?:D Sa stii ca party nu dau decat pe zen.:P
Thanks and we will discuss more on private. Tho for the next couple hours i must go shopping with my queen^^. Sorry for that.:P
1. Name: Cristi 2. Age: 33 ani 3. Country: Romania 4. GMT: +2 / Bucuresti 5. In-game Name: Sharkoon , Sylvanas 6. Mu Experience: Since 2005, in...
Ba sa am pardon am fost, sint, voi fi un nab :P Ce pot sa zic decat ca daca ai posibilitatea de a aduce jucatori, vom fi toti mai fericiti....
In ultimele zile am vazut jucatori noi/mici, deci ma gandesc ca activitatea o sa creasca...sper:( Din pacate nu avem admin/gm online care sa...
And some server/voting campaign:P [img]
My hobby on Eternal: [img] ...and a crazy party: [img] P.S: i`m hunted more than a damn golden, for items and party. Soon i`ll need to put me...
Bai nu inteleg o treaba... Am ajutat zeci de noobi cu iteme de ordinul sutelor, cu reseturi si totusi nu gasesc pe nimeni on. Adica ma rog...
Buna dimineata! Dragi compatrioti pls :spam: :))
Jupane Ice welcome back:P ****** - Fetelor, va place pestele? - Nu, ca ne bate!
Sorry guys my mistake, thanks wish you a good day.
Una veche si buna: Inmormantarea la romani vs. europeni! Inmormantare UE: 1. A crapat Hans. 2. Constatam asta. 3. Aducem si un medic /...
Thanks so much guys! Raikan > the picture is when my boys were 1 month old, now they are BIG guys 13 months + teeth + hair all they need is...
Hey guys, Any update here?
I think the problem has returned. Can anyone test please? Thanks and wish you a great day. ---------- Answer. That is because you're checking...
Doi soti se opresc in statia de taxiuri. Sotia il intreaba pe soferul de taxi: - Pana in centru, la Universitate, cat m-ar costa? - 100.000. - Si...
Gix: if you ever need support regarding the issue, pm me :dance: MckenzieG: Dude i will never leave you alone to steal my goldens on eternal:P
Separate names with a comma.