Neata lenesilor:) [img]
Tiramisu I am a newbie and nobody can steal my noobishness ever-never^^
Never because there is no need for such a feature.
Easy Raikan you should post a word that starts with the last letter from previous word:P
MckenzieG > Lucky Items : Game System : Guides - Official Mu online
Denumirea produsului din imaginea urmatoare trebuie citita in romaneste : [img] preferat in gand daca pe linga voi mai sint si alte...
Did anyone hear a bunny scream?
What`s wrong visiting the website to reset your toon?
Incep un alt noob cu care sper sa dau o mana de ajutor noobilor, pentru ca sint "putin" vanat pe hartile pvp, de cand sint politist pacilea.
Not sure what did you want to say with : ...maybe if you provide more details i will be able to answer.
This is not me! I am hot not cool :tongue:
Baieti numai astazi compania noastra va ofera ocazia unica de a face lvling pentru o suma modica de numai 10 zen/lvl. Profitati de aceasta oferta...
Merge trenul liniştit pe calea ferată şi brusc o ia la dreapta! Iese de pe calea ferată şi o ia prin aratură, porumb, cartofi, lucernă, iar...
My dream on EternalMu > 10 punctiform spots of Great Golden Dragon at a spawning rate of 2 seconds:cheer:
Sorry i didnt take any pics from that event:( But i promise next time i will make a movie. Who knows maybe we get some Oscar prize or something.^^
Welcome Rise:smile:
Lots of fun today on server:) And we made some advertisement prints, hope you like it. [img] [img]
Knock knock :smile:
Spam iz gooood^^ C`mon guys don`t be shy.:tongue:
Separate names with a comma.