first tatto to be made first mu-online tattoo in the world [img] executor
and you need a print with only you the spot
2345 tralalalala
pza aia de manelisti ma deranjeaza schimbo plzzzz
steaua rulezzzzzzz
welcome back man ejoi
you can sell it for jwl or items but not for real money thats all If you dare sell it for real money you will surley be baned
oh boy read this and learn.....dont be a fool stay in DMU 7. Trading for real money All data contained on this server is property of Mu NoobsWar....
such nobs... they dont now ho r they messing with
hi si de la mine sa fie cu noroc
ALL the items drop non exe and exe just have some faith
nice blades man
18-12-2008 ; 22:00 - NightRider, GitaaS, PachA - 1 x bok5 + 1 custom box each H & S event - 5 winners
Good Luck guys
bknok 2 days ban
07.11.2007-11:45 Demonik-Race
good boys let's drink and play DMU ;)
1293 brrrrrrrrrrr
ai uitat holsten cnd nu ii timisoreana is becks
i need that set
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