URAAAA!!!...naspha ca nu am sa fiu..
burn the house !!!!
second place
i`m not afraid by curse...some one shold be...i have a friend who borrow me for couples days a PC...stay chil tadpole
With my ghost :))
no one bid for set???
Hey guys..i`ll gonna be off for 5-7 days ...my lap-top it is lazy...he go to make his update ;))))...the cooler was pk`ed...:)):D
pepsi light or pepsi max?????
pac pa...ur dead Alecs
bine ca mai vine frigul...ca daca ar fi continuat sa fie caldura i sa-r fi evaporat alcoolul din sange si ar fi facut un stop cardiac
hmmmm....only +13
dar cand esti beat...ce parte te trage in jos??..:D
sta Cezar pe balcon in palat...la un moment data vine un porumbel...prinde Cezar porumbelul si ii ia mesajul de la picior....dupa care il...
yea...u take this set +13 i`ll win the next set ..+14 :))
te servesc cu ceva...dau eu un rand....
sal baietzii...o sa ne despartim ptr 5-7 zile...lap-top-ul meu se duce pana in bucuresti sa-si udate putin cooler-ul...o murit un pitic de la...
any1 for set???
dance dance!!!for my set:)
i can`t wear ;(...it is for summoner ;(
Separate names with a comma.