Nice tactical 400 lvl :D
[IMG] Uploaded with Like :D :D :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1:
Hi all :D :D
I can't see here if is server 1 or server 2 at screen shots's???
Hi all why don't try to add 380 lvl items im sure will better and when you will add the items make the prise beggest from normal items same 5k 1...
??? What will happend now the days from vip and seal days ??
Hi all what will happend the vip days and seal days ?? i lose 10 days .:crying:
For me this person is Best i don't find other friend wiht this style so for ever Vote from me :smile: :smile: :D
I can't Find it send me any screen plzz :D :D tnx!!
I use Wired
i take off the level required items but still i get disconnect.
i tried this but i have again same problem..
Hi all I have everytime problem wiht D/C but not is from my internet from svr or dont know from where i get Disconnect message and wiht all skills...
welcome Sunrise
When i use power slash skill i get D.C but not from my internet from svr My internet working fine I canel all 380 lvls items and rings but agian...
Hi all I have problem wiht Disconnect message everytime drop m this message i reinstall again same can help me some anyone ? Tnx.... :D Im sure...
I Told him only Show set
Work and 32000 and 32767 and when i ride the horse :D :D but dont make hits on all mods :D :D
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