Pare fain servarul ca nu mai sunt FO sets dar se pare ca m-am inselat, atata timp cat exista romani pe servar nu are rost sa joci. Prea multi...
Hell no...Miss Next person wants to fly to the Moon. P.S Happy to see that my threat is still alive after years.
The only think you will receive from a GM is information about the game and events. Hip hip hurra Season 5 is here :kicking: Thx Diablo MU team
I buy lvl 2 soul master wings. Prefer with luck but eh... Anubis22SM ingame or post price here. Thx
So still alive and kicking... and with the Castle i think. Can i join? :D
It depends Do you love blonds?
hit Next person remembers me
Leet the blood flow... no rivalities no fun, i remember the good old days when i was in much pking :gun2:
Nice, keep up the good work, wanna try season 5 to see what is new in MU, curios when it will come out.
Good to know, to bad i don't play anymore, looooong break from Diablo more than 1 year, hehe i remember the good PKs from 2 years ago....the good...
So you are here for me good :D Bored at work, hmm what movie to watch.
I got scared :)
I have a MG lvl 211 and cannot warp to Arena from the M menu. Level required for mg to enter arena is 186. Tried to write /move Arena nothing....
I suggest that we have the elf NPC buff (dmg and attack) from lvl 1 to lvl 400. The extra dmg and def really helps. No complain about the leveling...
How do we get pc points by staying online?
Maybe server down fixing stuff. You can login with old accound already have a MG lvl 25 :D
I have same problem cannot register.
Can't wait for season 4 but i have 2 questions...if you know the answer: 1. Max stats 32k, 65k or ...? 2. Any agility bugs like Evil Spirits for...
Separate names with a comma.