sounds interesting
buna ziua tuturor
huaaa nu va mai luati de semnatura mea :harhar:
noo masta lady no kil mi i`m newbie plox pliz pls plis pretty pleaz :unsure:
:harhar: :harhar: :harhar: :spam: :D
i hope when the "events season" will start the other guys will care to join in the events and stop beying so lazy.
wb GitaaS
server back online .. hai la joaca cu voi :D intrati si pe team speak 3
hy, it`s on now u can enter :P
shubi dubi du param pam pam lalala m`am plictisiiiiiiiit
2 vs 1 .. majoritatea a decis :)))))) :rotflmao: :rip:
eu o cred pe d3vo :))) :rotflmao: :rofl:
mai e loc de vreo 3 :)) Kjoe Fjoe Cjoe ... :)) :sneaky2:
sper ca nu face copii :))))) ca suntem destui
tare al 2 lea banc :)))))
parama pam pam ram tam bam jean ... hai va pupa jean :))
pfff........i have nothing more to add we had a team even more then 1 team from our ally ... and we have here 2 more ally and togheter they didn`t...
eu am facut ....s....x si iar s.........x si iar s..............x :)) salutare tuturor
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