2 words : vets rullz you ugly fatz0rs guys =)) :doh:
hello lady
buna seara lume
hello guys
very nice so veterans are "asses" ( don`t know why becouse u r in big error anyway... ) and u exploit bugs without reporting them i wonder who...
speram sa nu va mai intoarceti dar nu am fost ascultat de Dumnezeu :))
hello ally
hahahaha you guys are crazy hahahaha
ce faceti ?? eu unul m-am plictisit rau de tot si am o lene in mine de nu va vad
buna seara romani
super mega ultra tare filmuletul :)) dar eu nu l-am vazut inca :screwy: hahaha
i`m in
neata reloaded si resurected
neata :D
problema a fost rezolvata
nice one Tito hehe
neata cu 2 ore intarziere ^_^
morning ally
salutare .. zapada multa intradevar hehe abia astept sa vina caldura
hehe ow well at least it`s a start :beer:
Separate names with a comma.