anyway this is for fun .. i speak for myself now .. and i don`t mind losing if i will have fun on this event .. this really matter like i said..i...
:harhar: :harhar: :harhar: gitaas brooklyn explosion :harhar: :harhar: :harhar:
neata :D
we already have a team of 6 guys .. we are waiting for at least 1 team
nice, i`m in and can`t wait to participate at this event.
good evening :whistling:
pff...nice Cs but it`s obvious we will need to train better for the next one...anyway congrats to all who participated
salutare baieti si fete
hahaha tare bancul :thumbup:
morning guys, how are you ?
neata, cam naspa si eu comand pizza sau shaorma de obicei.. sunt curios cum o sa fie cu taxa aia
well next time when you want to make xp on a spot already ocuppied give that guy party and if he refuses make 1 print then you can ks legaly that...
morning guys hehe already 15:01 it`s not actualy morning..but i just wake up :D
hello and welcome to dgn universe
next time i hope to participate also, this time i wasn`t home :)
Search better in Raklion there it`s a nice spot around 6-7 mobs with good xp. .. i don`t say i don`t agree with u but my opinion is that for the...
:D ceva vesti bune sper sa va placa .. [07 Jan News - Reboot]:Jwl of Chaos Drop Increased, Added Mastering Illusion Temple ingredients to drop...
Separate names with a comma.