Sir Seph jason_hell and bloodzzz are one!! CHEAT MAN play fair
thanks!! for reply i will check if it works!! thanks guys^^
One more thing for example i have 3 active accounts in MU.. then i could make 3 forum acc too???
SIR seph IM THE LAST!!! WOOTTT when is this event ends!! im the winner yehey
sir can you update my 2nd acc.. coz when i want to add stats to the web it says that i dont have free stats to add.. but i really have..and when i...
question?? sir about this event how would you know if the player?? only makes one post..he/she can make many accs as he likes.. so he/she can...
Bingo!! My lucky numbers are: 11 - 23 - 18 - 25 - 30 - 9
Sir sephi can i know your ym? coz i will ask something to you in ym its private to tell in forums.. thanks
i would just like to ask how i will know how many virtual dm coins i have coz i am not counting it..thank you for your kind consideration..
thanks sephi!! your the one thanks for the item that you have returned....I lav yah!! hehehe im just super happy i have a better set now...
i forgot my char name is terarior.. thnk for your kind consideration
elo sir!! sorry im late to tell this but my imperial became +13 black rose set the opt of my imperial is all ref +28...and all +13 and i forgot...
bye.. GL in ur real life bye opty ill miss you!! remeber me terarior heheh^^
??????? ??????
??? what will happen is still the GR.. will still be the same requirements or it will be higher??..and the DSR prob..some admin says dsr works in...
.... But its not the point.. i know its my fault.. but its to late to know that Fenrir will lost i thought that even it dies u can still revive...
this the pic
some one killed my blue fenrir i just afk it in s2 coz im taking a bath and then it got lost i have the picture of my blue fenrir its a proof that...
hehe BKsaul it is automatically comeback to normal instantly you will become Paladin again and can take malron's request
thanks oh i see what about if +13 ring dd+ref+7%hp what +13 can give in the ring?? last question:D thanks and be the num1 mu servers^_6
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