?? so what is good for dsr+hp opt of bk set
one more and one more thing what about..defence increse,sd ratio increase and max agi increase ??please explain each opt.. sir second...
elo... but what about dsr+hp for bk?? what's the yellow opt for it?
thanks!! sir.. one more thing... ummhh thanks for the info... sir! change topic^^ may i ask when will be the bingo event start?..
...sir Seph... but sir when the player attacks me they didnt miss :( they miss but one or twice only:confused:
Sir Seph.. i have a big big question about dsr?? does DSR REALLY WORKS?.. it seems not working?? waaa... and next question why when i voted i...
tsk tsk lol bro choose what you trust!! nyahah unlike us "tzuki^^ bro !! as last weeks deal lol ^^".. your not an old player as sephiroth said is...
Boo sorry?? lol!! just attempting to try to trick admins and sephi is a bad act.. cannot be taken any considerations..
destrying the event !! cheat bro SEE I AM RIGHT there is a cheater!!! they should be expel for this ! game..not that one will be accepted...
sir sir what is kalima event i never heard that thing?
sir?? is this still ongoing?
Sir sepH!.. sir what you mean i would not be the lucky one?? ...just dont get sir^^:p sir is the event ongoing???
stat points bug..sir seph i am lvl 350 and i voted for diablo mu and became lvl400 and i check my stats..but my stats is stil the same its 32979<<...
!!! oh i see thanks sir seph!! woot maybe i should be the lucky one lol^^sir add dd please like ref+dd ^^ thanks
im telling the truth its ref+dsr sir..! i really saw it..
Sir Seph waa i SAW IT WITH MY BIG eyes "he just tell me so im lucky^^" :(
!!!! 1069 is the best
Waaa WAA UNFAIR Sephi i see kidis set and its dsr+ref???? waaaa.. :(((... you could not change it anymore ??:(( right?? so ref+dsr is now ok?
!!!! i know who is duplicating forum accounts here.. CHEATERS i have seen 2 people using 2 forum accounts!! bad guys...i will not tell who you...
im just curious about my folder of mu coz when i open my mu right and go to loren noria etc.. there is a song to me.. but in my neighbhor there is...
Separate names with a comma.