Lost Tower 7 Spot : 55 120 Collection time : 60 Min After Restart FireCraker = 1 Box Of Heaven = 4 Blood scroll +4 = 4 Blood Fang +4 = 1 Devil...
http://www.pcpitstop.com/drivers/download/ATI~Radeon~HD~4800~Series.html these is link for video card driver . and for netframe work windows 7 ....
instal you driver video card . and what windos do you got ? ef it is windows xp . instal microsoft runtime 2008 . and direct x 9c . and net...
Lost Tower 7 Spot : 16 127 Collection time : 60 Min FireCraker = 7 Box Of Heaven = 5 Blood scroll +4 = 10 Blood Fang +4 = 9 Devil Eye +4 = 0...
Lost Tower 7 Spot : 53 119 Collection time : 45 Min FireCraker = 11 Box Of Heaven = 1 Blood scroll +4 = 11 Blood Fang +4...
today duel saw the diference . 31.780 str , 31299 agi , 25000 vit and 32000 ene rezults VS Soul Master Score 7-3 For BK with no sweel and no hard...
Maya Events = Ok Dark Lord Cape = Ok Blood Castle Event 7 = Ok Blade Knight Combo Skill = Ok Quest 3 = Ok Soul mix and Bless mix = OK High...
Maya Events = Ok Dark Lord Cape = Ok Blood Castle Event 7 = Ok Blade Knight Combo Skill = Ok Quest 3 = Ok Soul mix and Bless mix = OK
Maya Events = Ok Dark Lord Cape = Ok Blood Castle Event 7 = Ok Blade Knight Combo Skill = Ok Quest 3 = Ok
Maya Events = Ok Dark Lord Cape = Ok Blood Castle Event 7 = Ok Blade Knight Combo Skill = Ok
Maya Events = Ok Dark Lord Cape = Ok Blood Castle Event 7 = Ok
DArk Lord Cape Work`s
Maya Event Work Ok
level 1 wings working ok
drop zen is to big . drop fang i only see just +4 . key the same
yeah . thats what i was thinking about all day long . with 50 x exp in party will rise about 75 - 100 X . and in fact i have in my mind thing with...
i have a bette ideea .. why dont make 50 X exp .. with 450 points per reset ? quest to find out . grand master reset to be like 100 or 500 resets...
are you out of your mind? after he take off the FO set you want these .. these is not age of empire . strategic games .. These is a MMORPG
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