Black/Silver Dk s4 Set. Screen: [IMG] [IMG] Download Link Made By Kuho.
mhm... its take time.. :) but i can try. i can change set color not glowing :)
this item have 2opts
i understand like yes ;D becouse if luck are like 1opt so its posible. if im wrong delete just thread, and im sry^^
Account name: DrugsOrMe Character name: ShizlBoy Additional character name: Virtual Dm Coins Ammount of DM Coins: I Dont Know, I have only...
i tooked only screen shots :) i made by myself
Change your DK,MG,DL... 380lvl sets to s4 Sets. Screens, DK: [IMG] MG: [IMG] SM: [IMG] DL: [IMG] Elf: [IMG] (Screens tooked from ragezone) In...
its s4 set for dk.. just change name^^ my dk looks same... ;D all s4 sets looks like 380sets in my mu ;D
Girls 18 to 25 Cat or Dog?
u are offline
i sell helm with dd, 10jwls
red winter or summer?
Sword Life or death? ;D
1460! ;d
B> DL Good Scepter tell me here what u have, and exc dm boots+dd+luck
wuf wuf
yes u are correct i selling onther items in shop and idk how i sold my bb!
so one my friend same lost weapon and u gaved him back, and for me u cant? correct i understand?
First of all .... - Items dissapear if you try to dupe them - Items dissapear if you lose them at chaos machine - Items dissapear if you sell...
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