Who should i kick first ?! :rolleyes: :) clue: :screwy:
Yea, he`s :screwy: >:P>:P
i win :D http://www.ziaruldeiasi.ro/cms/site/z_is/news-mm-items/200084.html?i=0
http://www.ziaruldeiasi.ro/cms/site/z_is/news-mm-items/200084.html?i=0 filmulet tare
Watch this :))) http://www.ziaruldeiasi.ro/cms/site/z_is/news-mm-items/200084.html?i=0
sh00 sh00 bad bad explo>:P :harhar:
FatLords Guild ready to crawl down to CS? ahahahahahahaha :weee:
Hopefully tomorow i`ll buy vip and rush rush till max, still 40 rr to go :|
Ba nu, ca din 2016 o sa fie 24 de echipe la euro asa ca atunci sigur ne calificam, daca nici atunci eu zic sa detonam casa fotbalului intro...
:screwy: gooooooooo away from here >:P>:P shuu shuu :harhar:
Crezi ca ne pasa >:P>:P>:P :harhar:
I`m back and ready to kick some -45 rr enemies :D The rest i leave to you guys :D
Report Section cleaned ! Topics moved to Archive All problems that were fixed are moved there
Only one left on friday, i fxed them all up :D almost all anyway :D What was the Herbie issue?
Moarning all, FU Aaape :harhar:
Soon i will follow :)) Gratz Godrix
Hai noapte buna copii, maine sunt acasa :D
What problem with Herbie? Isnt he in my guild? Why wasnt i announced :D?
Neatza Copii :P
Sper sa tina pana in aprilie >:P>:P
Separate names with a comma.