AHahaha tari bancele :D
WarFats :sneaky2:
I know i know, i was thinking of you little pansy :D
Sharap you! >:P>:P
Morning Mr. AFK :D
Since 2006, 4 years :D Q: Where resides Hellmaine boss!
si viceversa :whistling:
Marfa mentalitatea, de doare in fund de altii care se chinuie ca-s minci, tu ai vip si esti aproape full, da-i drq pe aia.
Angry! :furious: Nobody came at crywolf, except me, scorillo and hermion.
Foarte bine ma, nu veniti la crywolf, ce va intereseaza pe voi nu? De fapt vad ca toti stiti numa sa stati afk degeaba!:thumbdown:
My cookiz are better :X
haha at least someone got caught in the cookie song :dance: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Liniste am zis!
Naooo cookiz.... :dance:
NO! hAVE U At least watched the clip? :blink:
I just found the official Alliance song! :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BovQyphS8kA :weee: Everyone sing with me :cheer::cheer::cheer:...
That`s good news, now he must start reseting... Yes indeed, you are a naab! :D Try sucide, i heard its a good solution to depression!
Yea yea congratz Pk4FooDD alliance :harhar:
N-ai cu cine, tra sa pun paru pe ei cred, in primu rand la CS, vreau prezenta maxima posibila, o sa facem si o conferinta sa discutam, maine cred,...
did u two allied against me? who cares :harhar: u 2 are :screwy:
Separate names with a comma.