A time to remeber I just see all message of this guild...good times...good friends... I remember old players (good or evil)and i miss all...
Haaapppyyy birtday brooooooooooooooo!!!I wish u 1000 years and 1000 girls but only 1 girl/year.>:)
Old or no? Lets see, i m a old player ,can i be a legend? Or maybe i m not to old >:)
Dark its back!!!!!!!!!!! i thanks to ALL what have put a few words in this section(i say to ALL ,GhostDog) and i wait to see in this old game a...
Maybe some1 will make it GhostDog but maybe a friend from your city(u know what i want to say with this)
1624... i think...( 2 post with no 6)
A damn fighter?The best?Hmmmm!! We all know what caracter its the best:)) COMBO TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Castel Siege its for all Let make a good hour for all players of this game!!!! Anyway , only your vote decide the time for "party":cool:
[IMG] [IMG] I hate the players what dont know the rules!!!!!!!!!:mad:
1595 He he we keep rolling :))
My picture Me : evilro in game name:DarkEvil [IMG]
1574 Lets rock and roll^^
Hi ADMIN !!! I make this post for a friend , and i send a request for him : he want FENIR Account name : wellzy Caracter name: SMwellzy...
I m dark ,we are evils and we are back to rock tis game!!! P.S. GhostDog ,with all respect, this guild have a history but u dont know this or u...
Hi !!! This its 3th whend i got d/c and i cant play becouse my account its on. And i dont was in CW or Loren , only in Tarkan Pls help...
What i want?:)) A lot things but i dont know what you gonna give me:)) Lets see..... : 1) Venom set FO (this if u cant give more : P) 2) Viper...
1453 Come in Dark with me and be Evil !!!!! [IMG]
Hmm A WIPE?????I dont thing i well be for this. And i say a big NOOOOO!!!!!!!We loose so many time (and $) to clean accounts????
Separate names with a comma.