what is happening here? Any prey? :D
marij, incalzeste atmosfera cu tuica fiarta, nu cu deastea :D sorry for not speaking english, i promiss that i will not repeat the experience
stai ba...... e luni? o_O OMG, da e luni, eu credeam ca e joi, asa de obosit ma simt :(
morning punks, getting ready to kick some arses next Sunday :D
good evening punks :D
hello punks, i see that we have fresh meat on server :D i even kicked some arses today but i also was pwned. The most annoing player on s3 arena...
just some tea today :P
3 secunde am rezistat sa ma uit la ala, ma duc sa vad daca mai stiu sa citesc ca mi-e frica sa nu fie contagioasa prostia cocalarului
lucrez pana la ora 21:00
i am at different level, way ahead of tzu :D
o sa fiu in Romania weekendul asta
hello 5 all :D
care 30 de ani bre? am "doar" 29 :D
Me [IMG]
[IMG] classic and simple
i will not tell how many kilos i have because tzu will lose his fat status :))
sara buna golani
incalzeste aparatu ca e frig :))
neata Romania :D
Separate names with a comma.