:nono: Glavorez was on , and gurix...
yaho ..... no skill tree :( i need skill tree on my summ :((
Nu da de 5ori ca ti se blocheaza accesul o ora parca , probabil se lucreaza... >>>>>> IN SFARSIT ->>>...
yah lame player .... :rofl:, he was doing pk during the CryWolf Event , he was killing the elf like a freaking drama queen !!!! :diablo:
When When When u make the update ??? :weee:
+1 , nici eu nu pot vota !!!:weee: Si daca se poate sa ne zica si noua cineva cand se baga mai exact nou update ... sa stim daca sa ne omoram...
Update Update Update Update :yahoo:
Post POst POst :cheer:
The prize is life time or only this season ?
:rotflmao: set set set
Salut , am si eu o problema ... imediat ce dau start la joc , se incarca cam pana la jumate apoi se inchide jocul ....
Separate names with a comma.